43 • Chokehold

474 22 13

Smut ahead.


When I looked up into his dark eyes, acutely aware of how I was still able to feel how his cock had filled me just seconds ago, I wondered if what was about to happen was a reprisal long overdue.

Him having control over me should have been the nature of our first and longest relationship. Obviously, the type of appropriate control. Him as my professor, and I as his student. Yet, I had not let any of my professors control me. And if I did let them... that meant I'd controlled that too. At least that was what I'd told myself over and over.

The many times I had made Snape listen to me and do as I'd pleased, he had not turned any tables. He'd been angry with me, more times than I was able to enumerate, but he had never taken the control and used it against me.

Perhaps it had been his shame that had stopped him. That he did not feel nearly as bad when I was the one calling the shots.

Perhaps this was tit for tat. And I had already surrendered. Immediately.

What was wrong with me?

Why I suddenly craved to be Snape's good girl was beyond me. But the sudden burst of confidence he was displaying was not something I wanted to ruin. And somehow I convinced myself that even if I let him win, I could always find a way to use it against him another time. Also, it did not hurt that I found it surprisingly attractive. Though I was not sure how far he'd go. Or even where.

Either way... this weekend had taught me to expect the unexpected.

Snape's fingertips carefully traced over my cheek, leaving little heated sparks in their wake as he went to brush my hair behind my ear. «You are so beautiful», he pointed out, his rough voice breaking the silence between us.

Maybe I had changed over the past ten years. Maybe that was why I'd acted on a whirlwind of feelings all of a sudden. Feelings I'd never let myself recognise as real — or anything less than scary.

Vulnerability. My greatest fear.

I couldn't stop my body from reacting as heat gathered in my cheeks. His lips curled slightly at my blush, and soon after he pressed his lips to mine. Without using any other words he already had me in a puddle beneath him, my body ready to have him a second time that night.

But when I thought he meant to take the heated kiss further, I watched him sit up and leave the bed. The heat of his body instantly vanished, leaving me with goosebumps and a tickling shiver down my back. And so I pulled the duvet over my chest and watched him undress properly.

Studying his naked figure, his cock standing proudly once again, I was instantly wet and needy to my core. And the sight of his scars made me want to run my fingers over them, reassuring him once more how they were nothing to be ashamed of.

«You... look so good», I bit my bottom lip and met his eyes. They had a glimmer to them that I hoped meant he appreciated the compliment, because otherwise he did not respond.

Instead, Snape made a motion with his hand, ordering me to turn around, «on your stomach», he said slowly. I arched a brow, my curiousity peaked by his determination. It seemed he had a plan.

And so I did as told while ignoring the slight sense of awkwardness that made me blush again. But it was soon forgotten as I felt him crawl on top of me, his body pressing against mine. «Severus», I whispered, but I did not know what for. Was I pleading already?

«Shh», he hushed me, and in a second he had magically deprived me of my eyesight. With darkness surrounding me, my other senses heightened immediately.

Trust me, Professor (Severus Snape x OC)Where stories live. Discover now