37 • Midnight

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With a crumbled note in my hand I stood in front of a terraced house that looked like any other terraced house in London.

It was slim, tall, dressed in grey and white. On this one, four dark stone steps led to a black door. The curtains were drawn in all the windows.

Rain kept pouring down, but I'd barely noticed any of it, as my mind had been otherwise occupied by my midnight mission to find the lover of my past. If I could even call him that.

Looking at the note one more time I made sure I wasn't mistaken. It was late to come knocking, after all.

But I decided to jump into it, and so I rushed the stairs and began to bang my fist against the door over and over. Droplets of water splashed around me. I knew it must have sounded desperate, but in truth; that was how I felt.

When it finally swung open, I saw his face appear in the darkness. He scrunched his nose sleepily. I noticed his rooms were dark behind him too, and so I figured I must have woken him.

«Leonie», he said loudly the second he saw me, and immediately began to adjust the lining of his... robe.

«Hi», I breathed.

«Why are you... panting?», he asked in a drawl, in such a calm manner that I nearly convinced myself the episode in the pub had merely been the result of my own fantasy. He certainly did not act like a man who'd very recently spontaneously delivered a love declaration and then fled the scene.

«I ran here», I admitted and inhaled deeply, attempting to calm my breathing and galloping heart.

He squinted and looked out into the dark wet street. «In the rain?», he asked.

«I suppose-», I swallowed, inhaled and exhaled, «my logic and acuity is extremely fleeting when it comes to you».

Snape raised a brow, «your choice of words are-»

«They're yours», I said, still struggling with calming my breathing, reaching out to lean against the wall.

«Well, yes, I-»

«Are you going to let me in or not?», I exclaimed. I was dripping after all. The rain had literally soaked me. Even my note had began to fall apart.

«You want to?», he asked, sounding somewhat surprised.

«Yes, of course, let me in you... dunderhead», I said, chuckling as he stepped aside to let me slip in.

Snape closed the door behind me. Instead of turning on the electricity, he conjured a floating candle. The dimmed lighting made us squint nonetheless, and the realisation of the sudden close proximity sent shivers down my spine.

«Uhm», he hummed, «now, how did you.. find me?»

I showed him the soggy note, «the barkeep told me. Maybe reevaluate putting your bill on your address in the future».

Having noticed Snape's relation to the barkeep I had only assumed he must've known something. It was sheer luck when the man finally gave in to my pleading.

«I see», Snape muttered, «would you like something to drink? Or a towel, maybe?». He stalked for the kitchen then, avoiding eyecontact for some reason. I smiled, however, reminded by his strides through Hogwarts.

My first impression was that the flat was cold and empty. But I didn't really take much time to study every corner of the rooms. My eyes were glued to the man I was still in shock I'd met again after all this time.

I wiped my wet hair away from my face as I suddenly felt overcome by stress. Why had I run here? To chat? To drink? I wondered...

«Did you mean it? When you said you loved me?», I asked as I followed him.

Trust me, Professor (Severus Snape x OC)Where stories live. Discover now