25 • Yellow Scarf

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Smut ahead.


The next day I was sore.

Don't get me wrong, I had been earlier too, but not like this. I wasn't sure why this time was different, but sitting at breakfast was — mildly put — uncomfortable.

I pierced the egg yolk on my plate with my knife and watched as the yellow ran down onto my avocado toast.

«So, who won?», Draco asked, grinning from ear to ear as he filled his glass with apple juice.

I glanced over at Blaise whose nose was slightly bruised. He didn't seem very happy, «we didn't finish», he answered quietly and shrugged. Our eyes met and I rolled mine. I was fully aware my cheek was still red.

«I heard there was a heated argument among the Gryffindors last night», Pike said and elbowed Blaise in the side teasingly, «seems you're a part of the biggest gossip in school».

«I said you should've never gotten with her», Draco pointed out as he stabbed the sausage on his plate with his fork.

Blaise's hands clenched into fists on top of the table, «if you say one bad word about her Draco», he warned and glared at his friend with malice. I was a little surprised, to be honest, I had never seen him act like that on my behalf. Perhaps he truly liked her.

I knew it was unfair, but it made me feel a little unwell. However, I managed to push those feelings aside the second I recognised them as jealousy.

«Wasn't going to», Draco said, «I don't need to».

Pansy then smirked and threw a little green grape my way. It landed in my lap, «what about you? Have you recovered?», she chuckled.

«I can take a slap», I murmured and threw the grape back at her, «Weasley doesn't scare me».

«How about Snape?», Draco asked, bursting with laughter. I arched a brow.

«Excuse me?»

«I heard he showed up», Draco replied. All eyes were on me. Even Blaise looked concerned. I put down the toast I'd just brought to my lips.

«And? Does he scare you?», I challenged.

Pike let out a chortle, but quieted down when he noticed my glare. He'd heard me admit I like the professor's voice in an earlier class, but knew not to exploit me. Even if he did it wouldn't be too bad, I could own up to it. They would never guess the rest of it anyway.

Draco thought the laughter was aimed at him and seemed to rotten immediately, «of course not», he hissed and pointed to Pike, «shut up».

«Jeez», Pike murmured, holding up his hands in defeat.

And the minute I thought the conversation had died down, Blaise suddenly spoke, «you really shouldn't have done what you did, Leo», he said. I sensed nervousness in his voice.

«It wasn't on purpose, not really», I replied and narrowed my eyes, «but she should've just let me stop your fight. It was stupid of you to even start it to begin with».

Vincent then jumped into the conversation, «does it bother you that she is with him?», he asked with a smirk. Draco slapped the back of his head, «ow», he hissed.

I sighed, «I've said many times that Blaise and I have only ever been friends».

Silence fell over the table as if that information was new, or maybe they did not agree. It didn't matter to me, as I wasn't interested in discussing it further. I avoided at looking at Blaise too.

Trust me, Professor (Severus Snape x OC)Where stories live. Discover now