4 • Muggle Studies

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Professor Snape had managed to cockblock me three times — no, four. In the short span of a couple of weeks. Or.. well, technically he had cockblocked Blaise.

I was convinced he had used wandless magic just then, at the game. And when the blanket caught fire and the pressure against my body disappeared, the game was paused and postponed. Just because the players had gotten distracted by Pansy's scream and Blaise's panic, so much so that some of them even crashed into each other. All the while I had pulled my sunglasses off and shamelessly glared at the professor. He had been far away, but I had sensed a definite smugness to his lips that told me as much — he had caused the ruckus.

After the game Draco had given me an earful, and Pansy had not stopped screaming. She was furious that my smoking could ruin such a thing. Her boyfriend's big night. Blaise had been annoyed, but also worried as he had not understood why I'd suddenly jerked back like that. But when he'd asked about it, I'd just said I'd gotten a bit dizzy. It was a stupid excuse, but unsurprisingly.. he'd bought it.

I had excused myself to go back to my dorm afterwards, when the Deputy Headmistress had called me to her office, her eyes popping in anger. I knew most of her anger stemmed from the fact that Gryffindor had been in the lead when the game had been cancelled, but I didn't care much about that.

In her office, I wasn't too surprised to see him already there. My Head of House. The man responsible for it all.

«Miss Lovegood, it cannot go unnoticed that the scene you caused arised as a consequence of your excessive smoking. In fact I am concerned about your health and wellbeing. This cannot continue», McGonagall hissed. I rolled my eyes and slumped down in the seat by her desk. She had sat down also, but the professor remained standing. I could feel his eyes burning into my skin.

«I am 18», I muttered, «and it was an accident».

He knew that I knew.

Was he present because he wanted to test my trust? Whether I would snitch?

Or dutifully, because he was my Head of House?

McGonagall sighed. She knew too that she couldn't force me to quit. I was an adult, in charge of my own choices at that. They could stop me from smoking where it wasn't allowed, but that was about it.

«From now on smoking will not be permitted at the pitch, Miss Lovegood. Is that clear?», she said.

There you go.

«Clear as day», I replied.

I watched as she turned her attention to him, and by the way she cleared her throat I knew he was still staring at me. She needed him to focus. «Severus, would you be so kind as to escort her to the dungeons? I am sorry, but we will be deducting five housepoints for this. But whether you'd like to give detention to your student is up to you. The game is postponed a few days. My bet remains the same», she spoke softly to him. I narrowed my eyes at her friendly tone, and wondered if she actually considered him a friend or if she was merely being polite.

«Your bet?», I huffed and chewed on my bottom lip, «sounds illegal».

It was Snape then who huffed and I felt a hand nip into my shoulder. Electricity flowed through me and raised goosebumps as my throat began to dry. «None of your concern, Miss Lovegood. Now, come along», he said and pulled me up from my seat. I heard McGonagall sigh, as if she didn't exactly agree with his way of doing things. But I couldn't say I wasn't amused.

He shoved me forward in front of him, not as forceful this time as he had an audience, and then took me down the hall. I did not look at him or say a word. I wanted to question him though, and press him for any reason why he had done what he did.

Trust me, Professor (Severus Snape x OC)Where stories live. Discover now