31 • Nothing Else

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Smut ahead.


Gryffindor was in the lead.

The temperature among the students and staff was increasing by the minute. There was yelling. Cursing. Cheering. And Vincent nearly attacked a gryffindor when he'd popped off for a piss.

So, a normal day at the quidditch pitch, really.

I'd spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to focus on my breathing, keeping my walls up. There was a certain Malfoy I didn't want to come knocking. But I didn't worry as much as Snape did, that man really didn't have much reason to want to use his legilimency on me.

However, although my time at Hogwarts was about to end, Snape's career wasn't. Not anytime soon. Unless word got out, of course.

In my opinion we had done well in hiding it all, and to be fair — there was not a reason in the world for anyone to suspect a thing.

But I was going to be careful. For him.

I chewed slowly on a gummy worm, dreaming of a cigarette or a quiet moment by the lake. Sports wasn't my thing, though I did enjoy seeing gryffindor lose. This, however, wasn't nearly as entertaining.

Another set of cheering from the opposing team made me sigh. I leaned over to Blaise, «why don't you sit with your girlfriend?», I whispered.

«I don't know. We've always sat... it's tradition», he smiled and patted my thigh. I sent him a wary look, one he did not see as he followed the snitch through his binoculars. It had already appeared, but neither Draco nor Harry had managed to get it yet.

I leaned over to him again, «are you two alright?»

«Why do you care?», he replied, putting his binoculars down into his lap to face me. His eyes darted between mine as if he was scanning me for something. I frowned.

«We're friends», I whispered.

Blaise blew air through his nose, «we're fine. But I'm graduating soon. She isn't».

I parted my lips in realisation and nodded, «aah, yes. The dreaded parting. Not that I know what it feels like but you won't be the first couple in Hogwarts history to say goodbye».

He drew his brows together, «it doesn't have to be goodbye. We can write».

I wouldn't ever tell him. But if there ever had been anything I had adored about Blaise, it must have been how naive and positive he was about life. That was why he had always been a breath of fresh air for me.

I forced a smile, «you can».

Sitting back into my seat I did a double take to my right.

Snape and Lucius were gone. I looked around for them, but without any luck. They weren't anywhere near, which was strange. Especially for Snape who always watched his team.

On the other hand, no one knew if it was because he was genuinely interested, or if he was forced to.

I poked Blaise, «I really need the loo. I'll be back soon».

He nodded without looking at me, having returned to following the snitch with his binoculars, nearly holding his breath when Draco was close to it.

Standing up, I made my way to the stairs to go down to the ground floor. I didn't need to go far before I heard a set of voices coming from down below. And I was sure it wasn't the commentators. These were more hushed.

«It's just a matter of time, Severus», I recognised his voice as I peered over the railings to a level further down. My white hair cascaded over the edge. I'd always found the stairs to the spectator towers to be steep and overwhelming. I felt much safer on the ground. Heights wasn't for me.

Trust me, Professor (Severus Snape x OC)Where stories live. Discover now