17 • High Heels

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Smut ahead.

Wearing high heels with my costume had been a great idea half an hour ago, but as I nearly tumbled down the steep steps to Professor Snape's office I was beginning to regret it.

I wasn't entirely too sure this was worth a twisted ankle.

Luckily I entered his office safe and sound. But something told me I wasn't going to leave this room in the same flawless manner as I'd arrived. Considering the energy the man was oozing with, I mean.

Snape began pacing the floor. I had come to realise that this wasn't uncommon for him, but that perhaps he usually didn't have an audience to witness it as much.

«Just say it», I pressed him, feeling a little impatient. My friends were waiting after all.

He stopped, but his gaze continued to rest on the floor. I thought maybe the sight of me was only making things worse — only... that obviously could've just been my arrogance thinking.

Then he did something that made me uncomfortable. Not in the sense that I'd vomit or scream, but I felt goosebumps raise on my skin. And I hated it.

He ran his fingers through his black locks. It was just the way he did it. Clearly Snape didn't mean for it to appear seductive, just like most things he did that turned me on — but still he was killing me slowly.

It's just curiousity. It's just curiousity.

«Leonie», his dark voice finally said.

«Leo», I impatiently corrected him and let out a sigh.

Apparently the distance between us made what he wanted to say more awkward or something, because he closed in on me, stopping just as the tips of our feet nearly touched.

«Please», he said once again, his voice so monotone it didn't even sound genuine.

My breathing suddenly grew heavier, my instincts telling me to back off. But as I was about to do that I felt the rough skin of his fingers brush against mine, and before I knew it he began caressing them softly.

«So desperate», I whispered and looked up into his eyes, «but for what?»

I knew what. He just had to say so.

«Anything», he finally managed to say, «doesn't matter», he added in a drawl, «just... anything. Please?»

I swear my cheeks felt warm then. The alarmbells in my mind ringing profusely. Too much affection, Leo. Back off.

Pulling my fingers from his grasp I turned away and walked towards the door. I was cussing under my breath, pissed off that the simple agreement I had planned had turned complicated so soon. Perhaps it always would have turned out that way, but in my mind this was supposed to be easy.

The professor was already filled with shame and embarrassment, so my walking away wasn't making it any easier. Under normal circumstances he probably would have yelled at me by now, but this was anything but.

I stopped. Snape cleared his throat.

It had taken quite a lot from him to ask me like that, and if I just walked away he most certainly wouldn't ever do it again.

Turning to look at him, I found him to be rubbing his temples in frustration. «Fine. But we're not ruining my costume, I look too good for that», I said, waving about a warning finger, grinning at the way his eyes lit up.

He looked like he wanted to say something, but he closed his mouth and remained standing there, waiting for what I was willing to do.

«Sit down», I ordered and pointed to his chair by the desk.

Trust me, Professor (Severus Snape x OC)Where stories live. Discover now