5 • Just Friends

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It was blank.

The note was blank.

I was annoyed at first, but then I realised he didn't trust me. So instead of being annoyed I was angry, and offended. Here I was, in a bathroom stall, with the door locked. No one would see it, unless Moaning Myrtle came, but she had stopped bugging me at some point in fifth year when I'd thrown a cigarette after her.

I contemplated not figuring out how to read the note, but alas my curiousity won over my pettiness. The first thing that came to mind was invisible ink. A part of me thought perhaps the man would figure out a way to make it even more difficult just to play with me, but if he wanted my attention he knew I didn't work harder than that.

So I stayed in that stall, and after I had calmed down from my anger I tapped the paper with my wand and whispered the revealing charm. Aparecium.

Black delicate handwriting appeared, and I recognised it immediately. Professor Snape had always had a very personalised way of writing, and despite how fast he usually scribbled it was quite elegant.

Well done.

I stopped reading then, and scowled at the note. It had been the easiest task and still he had to congratulate me. But instead of throwing the note in the toilet and flush it like my instincts told me to do, I continued reading.

My office, tonight, 8pm.

I smirked, despite the lack of information. He could still be wanting to decline, but it would be easier to ignore the fact that our conversation ever took place. Well, not wanting to decline, but feeling like he had to. I'm sure he wanted it. Why else would he be jealous?

A part of me was disappointed that he had gone through the effort of making the note invisible just to write that. When he could have written explicit content about what he wanted to do to my body. But perhaps that was too much to ask from someone like him.

Flushing the note, I left the bathroom with the intention of skipping the rest of my classes. The rollerblade incident had definitely taken more energy from me than I was comfortable with.


I had snoozed off in my room that afternoon, and headed for the Great Hall for dinner after. But not without some fresh air first.

Leaning against the castle wall outside, I had the cigarette between my lips as I inhaled, filling my lungs with bliss. And as I exhaled I watched the smoke trail upwards towards the skies, and I swore I saw the entirety of the owlery fly by at that moment. Majestic, stupid birds.


Glancing to my right I found Blaise to be approaching me, his hands in his pockets and a frown plastered on his face. I didn't bother replying, instead I inhaled again, the little cigarette pressed between my thin fingers with ease.

«Are you okay?», he asked, there was a concern to his voice that I hadn't heard from him before. Letting the air seep through my nose quickly, I narrowed my eyes and looked at him with confusion written all over my face.

«Yes, why?»

«You're just... distant», he shrugged his shoulders nervously and I rolled my eyes, putting the toxic thing between my lips again to avoid speaking right away. And as I inhaled I looked back up again at the sky.

Trust me, Professor (Severus Snape x OC)Where stories live. Discover now