29 • Devoted Lover

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Smut ahead.


The unspoken words were so loud in that room. It slowed me for a moment, as if I had lost track of what I wanted to do.

«Please», Snape stepped closer to me and cupped my cheek in his large hand, «you decide what happens».

Looking up into his eyes, I nodded and tried to calm my nerves. Silence my thoughts and centre myself. We had agreed and that was all that mattered, I reminded myself.

«Will you let me undress you?», I asked, knowing that wasn't something I could demand of him. He sighed and removed his hand.

«It's best that I-»

I shook my head, «nevermind. It's fine». My cheeks turned bright pink. I was embarrassed I'd asked, and even more embarrassed by the fact that he had turned me down. Again.

Snape's face was unreadable. Even in the most awkward situations he always managed to look so unfazed.

«I'm...», he stopped the moment my fingertips reached his jaw. The rough stubble at my sensitive skin told me he hadn't shaven that morning. Every friday, in my last term, he had been so soft at the touch. Clean shaven. For me. And so I knew he truly had not thought I'd come.

He inhaled as if I'd placed a cigarette at his lips. Deeply. Fully. But kept his eyes on mine. And he didn't exhale till my fingers had traced along his sculpted jaw to his chin, and then finally reached his lips.

«You were saying?», I asked in a whisper, then brushed my fingertips over his slightly chapped skin. I made a mental note to remind him to drink more water.

Snape seemed as if he'd forgotten all of his words, but eventually when I removed my hand from his face, he whispered back, «I apologise».

He was being genuine. I could see it in his eyes. By the lack of facial expressions, save for the occasional twitching of muscles, I'd found there were a whole world of emotions in those orbs. «You could make it up to me», I whispered again.

Why we were whispering I didn't know. The moment had turned intimate, and in a way I felt shy. And he had always been.

But he had been on my mind all day. All the little things. Like the way his eyes glowed when I'd ride him, or the desperation in them when I didn't do it fast enough — or when I denied him more. Like the way he'd breathe so heavily when teased, or the way he'd beg. Oh Gods, that voice. The way he'd growl or plead. It was ten times better with his voice. And his moans... would truly be the death of me. Even when he'd eat me out, the noises he made were delicious. Like he actually enjoyed the taste of me. Like he enjoyed doing it. Like he couldn't get enough. He didn't do it just to get a blowjob in return, in fact he even seemed to prefer to pleasure me than the other way around. Perhaps he didn't think he deserved it, though I knew for a fact he liked it.

Perhaps that was why I'd... no.

Clueless. Fool's paradise.

«Get on your knees», I whispered, my face stern with no glimmer of mercy. Just like I knew he liked. I was straightforward. Confident, and true. No hesitation.

Keep going, clueless.

And as expected his eyes lit up. His face didn't change, but his lips parted a little. «Yes», he replied quietly. While keeping his eyes on me he simply kneeled before me, making me feel empowered in an instant. At that moment the feeling of being shy disappeared, and instead I was back to just being... me.

«Go on, you know what to do», I said and sighed. I wasn't disappointed, but wanted him to think I thought him too slow. He flinched and reached up to grab the waistband of my skirt. However, just before he managed to do so I took a step back. And then another.

Trust me, Professor (Severus Snape x OC)Where stories live. Discover now