1 • Burning Tobacco

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A/N: I just need some Snape in my life.  I will continue this if you like it.


Nothing much beats a cigarette on a day when you'd rather dig a deep dark hole and bury yourself alive.

The 1st of september is easily one of my least favourite days, and it is especially tiring when my father is determined that my younger sister and I arrive early so he doesn't have to talk to anyone before leaving us on the platform. What about me and my wishes? I'm fucking 18 and still he demands I go with Luna.

«Leonie, you know very well smoking kills», she said, holding our father's magazine close to her chest. I rolled my eyes and blew sweet smoke into the cold september air, making her wiggle her nose and wave the smoke away. I sniggered at her discomfort.

«How many times do I have to tell you to not call me that?», I hissed and put the cigarette back to my lips, inhaling the fumes of the burning tobacco. Closing my eyes I savoured the feeling for a minute, before Luna had the audacity to answer my question with no sign of feeling intimidated by me.

«Mother gave you that name, Leo, why won't you use it?», she asked, and I was instantly annoyed by her awfully sweet and calming voice. I don't know how she does it.

I leaned back onto the brick wall and smoldered my cigarette against the orange bricks before subtly throwing the rest of it onto the railway track. Luna's face didn't change but she looked at me with a grave interest that I didn't understand.

«Shouldn't matter to you what I do», I replied and sighed. Luna had always been cuter, nicer and wiser than me, but if there was one thing she really excelled at, it was being a pain in my arse.

Speaking of my arse, the cold air was in the process of freezing it off. I pulled my sweatshirt to my chin in attempt of gathering some warmth. «Where's that bloody train?», I complained.

For some reason Luna decided to stop talking to me, which was a relief. I saw her attention was distracted by the people arriving to the platform, and a smile formed on her face as she apparently noticed someone familiar. She looked at me to speak, but I already knew what she wanted.

«You're better off out of my sight, anyway, Loony», I say and gestured for her to go. As with everything else I threw her way, she was unbothered and waved me goodbye before pushing her trolley with her belongings towards what I assumed was her fellow Ravenclaw students. It was almost as if she was immune to my being, which I found oddly amusing.

I reached into my school robes to pull out my pack of cigarettes when I felt someone walking up to me. From the corner of my eye I recognised it to be my Head of House. I ignored him and pulled out a cigarette before returning the pack into my pocket. And as I let it rest between my lips to light it, I heard him clear his throat.

«Can I help you, Professor?», I asked, still not looking at him as I took a deep inhale of the toxic thing.

«Smoking is not permitted, Miss Lovegood», he said with that deep reprimanding voice of is. I chuckled at his comment as I let the smoke seep out of my nose.

«We are yet to arrive at school», I pointed out and flicked the spent ashes to the ground, accidentally leaving some on the professor's black shoes. He saw it too, but I decided to ignore it. «If you wish to deduct points from your own house, sir, I assume you have to wait till we're on school grounds», I said.

The professor pointed to a sign that clearly showed that smoking in fact was not permitted. I shrugged and blew some in his direction, «if they kick me out at least I wouldn't have to go to school».

Trust me, Professor (Severus Snape x OC)Where stories live. Discover now