40 • Nightmare

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«Leo», Martin came rushing to the front door the moment I closed it.

«Martin», I replied sarcastically and sighed when I noticed he approached me with open arms. Scooping me into them, he began apologising right away. «No, you don't get to do this», I snapped and pried his arms off of me to free myself from his embrace, «this is not the Martin I know — do not believe, even for a second, that you can trick me again».

He scowled at me and stepped away, «trick you? I'm being sincere».

I snorted a laugh and walked past him towards the living room, «sincere my ass, Martin». As expected he followed close behind me, trying to apologise once more. «I see you didn't pack your things», I pointed out and sat down on my sofa.

He threw his arms out angrily, «what the hell? You're still on that?»

«Yes», I exclaimed. I was beginning to feel angry at that point. «You might have convinced me not to kick you out last time, but this time you do not get to do that. So please, listen to me for once! Get your things and get out of here», I added, clutching to one of the fluffy pillows.

Martin approached me, and I felt like sinking into the sofa. I didn't really know why I'd thought I wouldn't let him hurt Snape, when I could barely defend myself. «Don't you fucking touch me», I hissed when he got closer.

«Leo, this is crazy», he spat and plumped down next to me, attempting an arm around my shoulder, but I pushed him away.

«No, it's not», I said, «as a matter of fact, it's actually quite simple. Pack. Your. Things», I enunciated the last part, «and go!»

Martin reached out to caress my cheek in an attempt to seem more caring than he'd ever been. I furrowed my brows. «But I love you», he whispered, using his good boy voice. It made me mentally vomit, so badly I could almost taste it.

«No», I moved his hand away, «you love you. And you love to live here», I paused, «for free».

«I help», he exclaimed, like a disobedient toddler, «do not pretend I don't».

I lifted my shoulders, «sure, you make a nice lasagna».

The sides of his lips curled proudly, «want me to make you some? I can! And we can watch one of those movies you like».

I laughed, «one compliment and you think we're all good? I mean it, Martin. Please listen».

His smile quickly went away and was replaced with the same angry expression I'd seen last night. «You're in an awful rush to get me out», he pointed out, «do you have plans to bring a certain someone in here instead?»

«Well, actually — yes. But that is really none of your business. This is my home», I exclaimed, beginning to get really impatient.

Martin tried to place an arm around my shoulders again and so I rose to my feet and pointed to the bedroom, «please, for the love of God, go get your stuff and leave».

Martin stared at me blankly, «you're really doing this?»

I widened my eyes in disbelief, «yes», I replied, «you can get your clothes, toiletries, laptop and stuff, and whatever else I find I'll put in a box and let you know when to come pick it up. Okay?»

Surprisingly, the boy seemed kind of sad all of a sudden and my heart sunk just a little. «I'm sorry», he said again and sighed, «I guess I ruined everything, huh?»

There was a knot in my stomach, but I knew what this was. He was manipulating me like he always did. «Yes», I simply responded, knowing very well I wasn't a saint, nor was I perfect, but I wasn't taking his bait.

Trust me, Professor (Severus Snape x OC)Where stories live. Discover now