27 • Snow White

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«So, what happened at New Year's?», Pike asked.

I looked at him blankly, «did something happen?»

He sighed and rolled his eyes, reaching into his package of Fudge Flies. Picking one, he put it in his mouth, «you left early».

The noises he made when chewing those made me imagine the ways I'd strangle him if I'd only been mad enough. «Yeah», I hummed, getting annoyed I hadn't made up an excuse before coming back. «My father wanted to leave», I lied. It was a bad one.

«Oh», he gave me a fly too, «you must be excited to get out of that house, huh?»

I huffed, «you bet».

Lying to Pike actually did hurt, despite it all. «Did you guys have fun without me?», I asked, placing the fly in my mouth. It was sweet, nearly melting against my tongue.

Pike grinned, «you should have seen it. I've never seen a fight that bad. Like, Draco's father and all of the others often have had loud discussions in the past, but this», he chuckled, «even Professor Snape-»

«They had a fight?», I nearly choked on the candy.

He shrugged, «I don't know why. Mr. Malfoy sometimes drink a little too much. Draco doesn't want to talk about it though, so please don't mention it».

I narrowed my eyes, «you've known him for years and met his father many times. Why do you not call him by his name?»

«Uhm», he closed the package of Fudge Flies, «well, he has never said to do otherwise. And, to be honest, I find him a little intimidating». His cheeks grew red as he cleared his throat. I couldn't help myself but burst out laughing, which made him glare at me. «Oh shut up», he hissed.

«You're intimidated by a man with long barbie hair and a stick?», I said, hiding the fact the thought of him made me sick to my stomach.

Rolling his eyes at me for the second time, Pike pushed the package of candy into the pocket of his robes. «As if you weren't», he replied, «don't tell Draco», he added quietly.

I smiled, holding up both hands in defeat, «I won't. Your secret is safe with me», I giggled.

At that moment something dark moved in my peripheral vision. My head snapped in its direction and then I saw him.

I hadn't seen him since the party. We'd only just come back to school, and I had somehow not bumped into him yet. And, honestly, I'd been glad.

There was something that had been weighing on my mind since the party, and I was contemplating what to do about it. The sight of him made my body react, not entirely with lust but with some sort of longing. As if it needed to be closer.

At the same time I had so much annoyance centred around him. He made me nuts, and his attitude was just horrible. Perhaps it made me feel that way because he mirrored my own. But that had been such a big part of the reason why I had gravitated towards him from the beginning of the school year. There was something in him that was so like me.

Loneliness, maybe. I wasn't sure.


I looked to Pike, «I have to go», I said and stood up, running my hands down my skirt to straighten it. He raised his eyebrows questioningly, undoubtedly curious as to why I suddenly had to leave.

«Why?», he asked.

Would I lie?

«Just need to discuss the matter of my private tutoring with Professor Snape», I said.

Trust me, Professor (Severus Snape x OC)Where stories live. Discover now