Anger or Love³

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 III

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 III

ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 III

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Felix doesn't understand his brother. How can his own twin decide against him and for these strangers? Felix has often been abandoned and hardly cares about other people any more, let alone how they treat him, but Yongbok is his twin brother. He is the only one of Felix's family still alive. Yes, there is still Mr. Zee, but Felix hardly ever sees the old man.

'You're not important enough anymore. Yongbok has found a new family and will now leave you too.'

This voice has been a part of him for as long as he can remember and has been largely responsible for his actions. This voice is the only 'friend' Felix has had in his life over the years. It has never left him and it has built him up again in his darkest times. So it's only natural that Felix trusts this voice more than his common sense.
'You think so?' Felix asks back. Felix always looks to the voice for protection. He has even given it a name.


She's always been there for Felix. She's like a mother to Felix. When Felix had a nightmare or got hurt, she protected him and calmed him down. When Felix was alone, she was always there for him. When Felix didn't know what to do next and was on the brink of the abyss several times, she was there for him and picked him up again.
That may sound all well and good, but in reality Helena is just using the poor boy for her blood lust and hatred. She has taught Felix that he must not trust anyone but her and that murder and torture are good. She uses Felix like a puppet and the poor boy doesn't even see it. Unfortunately, no one can help him because Felix has to discuss everything with Helena first. Felix has never told anyone about Helena, not even Yongbok.

'He fell in love with the boss of the gang. I saw it in his eyes and the boss also seems to like your brother. He will leave you for this man and pretend you never existed. And you no longer have a place in his life. You're alone again...'

Felix is known for being a loner and that only his brother could get through to him, but he honestly hates being alone. Because then he doesn't know what to do. As soon as he is alone for too long, this blood lust comes up in him and everyone he meets is as good as dead. But it can also happen that Felix hurts himself or finds himself on the brink again...
"What am I supposed to do now?" Felix asks in an uncertain voice, but before Helena can whisper another trick to him, someone comes running towards Felix and surprises the boy.
"Felix!" the person shouts and Felix immediately turns to the boy. It's Minho, one of Chan's men and Yongbok's new family.

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