Life or Death¹³

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 XIII

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 XIII

ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 XIII

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'Six years ago I asked you a question... It's time you gave me an answer.'

Yongbok knows exactly who this message comes from and he also knows what the person means by it. Unfortunately, Yongbok knows a lot more... or rather, he can guess what will happen. Felix is in danger... and now it's up to him to save his brother. But Yongbok is not like his brother. Yongbok doesn't go alone, as Mr. Zee probably suspects. No, he gets help. What's a family for? And so Yongbok makes his way to Chan. He runs through the corridors and bumps into Minho, but simply ignores the older man. He has to get to Chan as quickly as possible... It's a life or death situation.

Yongbok knocks frantically on Chan's door and notices that Minho and Changbin have followed him, but before the two can ask Yongbok what's going on with the younger one, Chan opens the door to his office and lets Yongbok in. Chan expects an angry Yongbok to come running to him because he wants to have a good cry about his brother, but instead Chan looks into a distraught face that immediately puts Chan on high alert. "Babe? What happened? Who hurt you? Who do I have to kill-" but before Chan can ask any more questions, Yongbok bursts into even bigger tears and drops to the floor. Chan immediately runs to him and takes the boy in his arms.

"Felix... he...", but Yongbok can't get a word out because of all the guilt and tears and Chan imagines the worst. "What did he do to you? Did he hurt you? Even if he's your brother, I'll still-", but Yongbok interrupts him again, which is unusual for Chan. Chan doesn't like to be interrupted. "He didn't do anything. It was me. W-we had a fight and then I told him to go away. I told him to burn in hell and now... now he probably does..." Yongbok sobbed into the mafia boss' arms and Chan is confused. "Why do you say that? Felix is literally the Devil. No one will have made it anywhere near him," smirks Chan, but this only infuriates Yongbok.

"Felix may be a cold-blooded killing machine and the best in the business, but he also has a weakness and it's called... Mr. Zee," Yongbok says, looking Chan dead serious in the eye. "Your father? Why would he hurt Felix?" asks Chan, now totally confused. "He may have adopted us, but he had a completely different plan for us. I know things about this old man that Felix doesn't know and even if I had told him, he wouldn't have believed me. Mr. Zee has always been a great role model for Felix... Mr. Zee is the best... for him at least" says Yongbok, getting quieter and quieter towards the end. Chan doesn't know what to say. Yongbok apparently knows something about Mr. Zee and it won't be good. Chan is curious, but is this the right time to ask him about it?

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