Don't you ever leave me¹⁵

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 XV

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 XV

ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 XV

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"Bokie everything will be fine. The Nonnas will never hurt you... I promise," the little boy says to his brother, who is sitting huddled on his bed. His legs are pulled up to his chest and his head is resting on his knees. The little boy can hear his brother's sobs clearly and on the one hand it fills him with pain, because he hates to see his little brother suffer, but on the other hand with incredible anger, because he just wants to hold those responsible to account. "B-But how, Lixie? T-They'll come a-and hurt me," Bokie cries further into his knees, hugging his legs even tighter. "I'm your big brother. I'll always protect you... Always."

Felix couldn't keep his promise... for the first time.

The first time he failed as a big brother...

Betrayed by his own father...

"Lixie look what I found," the little boy exclaims excitedly as he holds a stone proudly in his hand. "What is that? A stone?" Lixie asks his brother in confusion when he sees the gray stone in his brother's small, dirty hands. "Yes, but not just any stone. It's special..." Bokie giggles to himself and looks at the stone with wide, innocent eyes. "Why is that?" asks Lixie in confusion, tilting his head slightly to one side. "Do you see that...?" asks Bokie without looking up from the stone. Lixie takes a closer look at the stone and indeed sees something unusual about it. "Is that paint?" asks Lixie as he identifies the unusual thing as paint. "No... It's blood...", says Bokie with a broad smile, which makes Lixie a little uneasy. Ever since the two twins arrived at the home, Lixie hasn't seen his brother smile and now he smiles at the sight of blood?

Maybe Felix wasn't the crazy one of the two...

Maybe there was more to Yongbok's facade than he let others see....

"You filthy little-" a female voice yells in the next room. Bokie sits on his bed again with his legs pulled up to his chest as he tries to block out his brother's screams. Once again, Lixie has stood up for him and got his punishment. All Bokie wanted to do was take a piece of bread to his room so that he could feed the birds by the window at night. But Yonna Nonna caught Bokie doing this and wanted to punish him. But Lixie intervened and took the blame. Lixie was immediately taken to the torture room next door and Bokie can now hear his brother's pain-filled screams and Noona's degrading words. After a few minutes, the door to the room opens and Lixie enters, exhausted and weak. "Lixie!", Bokie calls out immediately and helps Lixie onto the bed. Bokie can see the bloody and deep wounds all over his brother's body and immediately a feeling of guilt comes over him. "Hey... it's going to be okay. I'm fine," Lixie reassures his brother and pulls him onto the bed to cuddle with him.

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