My money⁸

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 VIII

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 VIII

ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 VIII

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'Why did this have to happen to me? No one has ever seen my face without the mask before and survived. And now I've only been here a day and two of them have already seen the scar and are still alive,' Felix curses to himself in his head as he nervously paces up and down the room. He just hopes the two boys will keep their mouths shut. He has to go through with his plan faster, but how? 'I really don't have the head for it right now,' Felix decides and flops wearily onto his bed.
'I should take care of the thief first,' Felix says to himself. But in order to get information, he has to gain access to a computer.

And so the next morning Felix finally overcomes his pride and makes his way to Chan's office. He knocks on the door and gets more and more uncomfortable with every step. He hates asking for help and especially from Chan. The door opens and Felix has a direct view of Chan and Minho. While Chan sits at his table, Minho stands next to Chan. It looks like the two of them are discussing something important. "Ah Felix. Good to see you again. What can I do for you?" asks Chan with a broad grin that Felix is only too happy to remove. "It's about the thief who stole my money," says Felix and stands in front of Chan's table. Minho doesn't say a word, but has a fixed gaze on Felix. Felix feels more uncomfortable by the second.

"That's what I thought... well, unfortunately, we haven't been able to find out much-" before Chan can finish his sentence, he is interrupted by Felix. "I don't need your help with the search. I can do it on my own. However, I would need access to a computer and the video cameras in your building," says Felix and Chan stares at him. It seems Felix has hit a raw nerve with the older man.
"First of all, I hate it when people interrupt me..." Chan says with a sharp drawl, but this only makes Felix smile, "and secondly, I've already said that it's also in my interest to know who dares to steal from me." Chan gives the boy in front of him a hard look that would make anyone else tremble, but not Felix.

"And I already said it's my money... therefore my business," Felix digresses from the older man's answer, but Chan persists. "The money was stolen from my building when it was still in my possession, so it's my business," Chan buys back. Any outsider would describe the two of them as two cats fighting over the last piece of the catnip, and they wouldn't be wrong. Chan and Felix both stand ready in attack position. Their eyes don't leave each other's for a second and they have tuned out everything around them. They look like they're getting ready for a fight. Luckily, Minho is there to de-escalate the situation. He stands between them and looks directly at Felix.
"Okay, let's calm down first," says Minho and tries to push Felix back. But while Chan calms down, Felix only looks angrier, only this time it's directed at Minho.

"Don't touch me," Minho immediately pulls his hand away and takes a few steps back. Felix continues to look tense. "Okay, I have an idea that could be good for both parties," Minho says and Felix seems to relax a little. "What?" he nags at the older man and Minho has to swallow hard.
"Well, we can provide you with a computer and the video recordings-" "But-" Chan wants to interrupt him, but Minho continues.
"But Jeongin and Seungmin have to be with you so that they can look over your shoulder. You also have to share your results with us. That way, we'll have our information and you can continue to lead the investigation," Minho suggests and Chan seems fine with the suggestion as he relaxes back into his seat. Only Felix must be a little annoyed at the suggestion. He doesn't need a babysitter and certainly doesn't need any help from the two of them. But he also knows that he will never get what he wants if he doesn't accept the compromise, so he finally nods.

"Agreed," says Felix and then turns away from the two of them with his arms crossed. Chan exhales loudly. "You're really something... special," Chan mumbles to himself, but Felix has heard him perfectly. "And you're not good enough," Felix says back, immediately catching Chan's attention.
"For who?" asks Chan, confused.
"For my brother obviously. How could he fall for an asshole like you?" asks Felix, disgusted with the old man. Chan immediately stands up again.
"Yah I'm not an asshole," but before things can escalate again, Minho intervenes again.
"Shall we go then?" he asks Felix, who just nods and heads for the door. Minho gives his boss one last look, then follows Felix. The two meet Yongbok in front of the door. "What are you doing here," Yongbok asks his brother, confused.
But Felix completely ignores his brother and just keeps walking. "It was about the money," Minho explains to the boy and then wants to run after Felix, but Yongbok stops him.

"Thanks," says Yongbok and Minho looks at him, confused. "For what?"
"For being by his side. I know he's still angry with me, but he can't be alone either. So thank you hyung," Yongbok thanks him and Minho just nods before running after Felix. Yongbok enters Chan's office and is greeted by a worried look.
"Channie? What happened?" Yongbok immediately asks worriedly and goes to the older man. "I think your brother doesn't like me and I don't blame him. I took his only family away from him," says Chan and immediately Yongbok feels bad. He sits down on the older man's lap and puts his arms around his neck. "That's not true. I decided to stay here myself. Yes, you offered me the job, but I could have turned it down. Felix must finally learn that I can't always stay by his side and that there is so much more to this world than just death and pain," Yongbok explains and gives the older man a kiss on the cheek.
"You really are the best," says Chan and cuddles up to the boy.


First of all I want to apaolgize that I suddenly didn't update this book as usual, but it'll probably happen more often

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First of all I want to apaolgize that I suddenly didn't update this book as usual, but it'll probably happen more often. I have some chapters written already and I am almost finished, but I am currently struggling with some... stuff???... I guess, which makes it hard for me to do basic stuff. But I will try my best for you and also for me, because it gets my mind of all the other things.

Also happy late 6'th Anniversary Straykids!!

Again I am really sorry for my late update!!

Hope you liked it!


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