Meet my new family¹⁰

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 X

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 X

ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 X

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"I was thinking that we could have breakfast together tomorrow and then you can get to know the others better afterwards," suggests Yongbok as he accompanies his brother to his room. Felix just rolls his eyes in annoyance.
"Yongbok please... it's late and I'm tired," says Felix when they finally arrive at his room.
"But I need to know so I can tell the chef how much to prepare for breakfast" says Yongbok, looking at Felix with puppy eyes "Okay, fine. I'll sit down to this stupid breakfast, but this boss doesn't have to do anything," says Felix and opens his room door. "All right, thank you. I'll expect you tomorrow morning at 8 a.m.," says Yongbok and jumps away happily. '8 a.m.? Who does he think I am?', Felix thinks to himself as he can finally collapse into his bed, exhausted. Felix is ​​definitely not a morning person. Felix doesn't get up that early for anyone. But since he won't have breakfast, it will probably be okay if he comes a few minutes later.

The next morning, Felix is ​​woken up by loud knocking on his door. "Ugh," Felix groans as he wakes up and looks at the clock. '8.15 a.m.'
"What the-", but before he can continue cursing, the door to the room is forced open and an angry Yongbok enters the room. "Once Felix. Just once I ask you to get up early and you can't even do that!" Yongbok complains to his brother, who just turns around in annoyance and buries his face in the pillow. "It's okay Yongbok. You go down to the others. I'll take care of Felix," says a second voice that Felix recognizes immediately. Felix hears his brother leaving the room indignantly and only he and the second person remain.
“So you care about me now?” Felix asks annoyed as he turns to the person. "Well, I was surprised when your brother told me about your plans and I thought it would be a good opportunity to get to know you better. After all, I'll let you sleep in my house."

"What do you want Chan?" Felix asks annoyed and looks at the mafia boss. "Listen Felix. I like Yongbok... a lot, actually, and you're his brother. His family. Which is why we should get to know each other better," Chan says and sits down on Felix's bed. "Ugh, I don't care what you have with my brother. He betrayed me and I will never be able to forgive him. I'm only here because UNFORTUNATELY I need your help finding the thief. As soon as I know who it was, I'm out of here and you and Yongbok will never have to see me again," Felix says and stands up. Chan doesn't say anything. He stares at Felix and sees his nacked back as Felix was about to change his clothes. Felix's back is full of scars spread over the entire back surface.
"Well then I guess I can't do anything about it. But while you are here, I would like to take the opportunity to get to know you better. You're not the only one who has deep scars," Chan says seriously and Felix knows that the older man doesn't mean his real scars. "We're waiting for you downstairs," Chan says and then leaves the room.

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