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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 XX

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 XX

ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 XX

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Felix hasn't reached a good point in his life. He was once the Devil... but now he's a shadow of his former self. He was once the twin of Yongbok... but now he is alone. He was once Mr Zee's perfect soldier... but now, instead of loyalty, he feels only hatred and revenge for the man. He is no one and has no one left. The only thing he has left is revenge, which is eating through every nerve in his body right now. He has never felt such a desire for revenge. He never even wanted revenge on Chan so badly when the mafia boss stole his twin brother.

To prevent Felix from completely losing himself in the desire for revenge, he does the only thing that seems right to him... give in. ‚Give in...'
He must finally give in to the pressure and bring the man responsible for his suffering and that of his brother and his brother's friends, to justice, but he can't do that if he's stuck within these four walls. He has to escape. He needs to be free again. He needs his old equipment. He needs his quarters... He needs Yongbok...

Felix sits down at the desk and pulls a sheet of paper and a pen out of the cupboard and sits down to write a letter. For whom? Probably for Minho, but Felix doesn't really know. It feels strange to be doing this. Felix is pretty sure that nobody would notice if he disappeared. And even if they did... who would care? Felix is nothing but a traitor to the boys. He has convinced Minho more than once that he's not worth saving. So who is he writing this letter for?

Dear ~~
I don't know why I'm doing this, but I felt it was the right thing to do. I may be about to make the biggest mistake of my life, but to be honest I don't care. The man who got me into this situation in the first place must pay for his actions and with me there is only one right punishment for what he has done... death.

I will look for him... find him... lie in wait for him... track him until I know every last detail about him and then face him. I will look at him. He shall look at me, his worst nightmare, when he takes his last breath. I will take pleasure in his death and not for a single second will I let him forget why it came to this. I will let him see my face and that will be the last thing he will see.

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