Family gathering ²⁶

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 XXVI

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 XXVI

ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 XXVI

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After Felix told his 'uncle' that they would attend the family gathering, each with a partner, Youngnim was naturally very pleased. He immediately sent Felix a confirmation invitation, which they need to show to the guards at the entrance to be let in. "Huh... fancy much," Felix thought as he looked at the email. Felix had never been to such an event where one had to be invited and there was even a dress code. Right after the email, a message from Youngnim arrived, stating that they must appear in suits. Felix just rolled his eyes when he read the message, but when he told Yongbok about it, Yongbok was instantly excited and went suits shopping with Felix. Right... suits... plural. While Felix was bored to death, Yongbok had the time of his life.

But of course, Felix threatened not to go to the party if they didn't come up with a detailed plan in case it was all a trap to finally take the Devil Twins out of the circle. But Felix didn't have to worry about that, as Changbin, Minho, and Chan spent the next few hours devising a plan for every possible situation. An assassin could show up now, and the four would still be the only ones to escape the house alive. This message calmed Felix's nervous heart a bit, though not much, since he wasn't mentioned in any of these plans. Minho and Chan thought it would be the best to leave the twins completely out of the plans, as they would be the main targets of an ambush. Felix was, of course, immediately opposed to this idea and wanted a part, while Yongbok was overjoyed because he could finally enjoy a party without having to worry about getting killed or attacked.

"I hate you," Felix said sulkily to Minho, and the older one had to smile a bit. For the first time, Felix showed him a human side that the boy had probably forgotten for years. "Why's that?" Minho asked, pretending not to know what the boy was meaning. "You know exactly why," Felix grumbled from the dressing room. The two were getting ready for the party, and even though Felix had said Minho didn't have to be there, the older one used every second to spend time with Felix. "No, I don't," Minho contradicted childishly, even though he knew exactly what Felix meant. Felix still was upset about the whole 'leave Felix out of the plan' thingy.
Felix just rolled his eyes and then stepped out of the dressing room, presenting his stylish suit that Minho had bought him. "Are you sure this fits right?" Felix asked, a bit unsure as he tugged at his shirt, while Minho just stared lovingly at the boy.

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