An unforgettable night²⁴

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 XXIV

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 XXIV

ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 XXIV

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Minho seized the opportunity immediately, of course, before Felix changes his mind. He prepares everything for the perfect evening. But Felix wasn't supposed to find out about any of this, so he made sure that Yongbok distracted him a little. "So I heard that my big brother has his first date," Yongbok remarks, wiggling his eyebrows. Of course, Felix just rolls his eyes and doesn't react to the attempt to tease him. He has something else on his mind. "Why did you fake your death?" Yongbok realised that this question would come sooner or later. "Honestly, I needed a break," Yongbok lies. He can't yet tell his brother the truth about Mr Zee and everything he knows. He wants Felix to enjoy his life first. There will be time for the truth later.

"Who did you need a break from? From me? From Chan? Or from the mafia life?" Felix asked curiously. Yongbok took a deep breath and exhaled again. "All of it...? I'm not sure," Yongbok continues to lie and of course Felix realises that his brother is lying to him. But Yongbok has always been a bad liar and therefore never did. So the thing that Yongbok is lying about must be extremely important. So he stops asking and just nods. Luckily for both of them, Chan and Minho come running into the room. "So, I think Minho is ready. That means I've got Yongbokie all to myself again," says Chan, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. "And I'll finally be able to spend time with Felix without having to worry about having a knife in my back," jokes Minho, holding out his hand to his date. Felix looks at the hand critically, but then remembers that he wanted to try out everything that goes with a date. That includes physical contact. "Shall we?" Minho asks the boy. „We do", replies Felix and the two say goodbye to the rest.

The evening was pleasantly warm as Minho and Felix walked to the small café tucked away in a quiet side street. The city lights twinkled above them as the sounds of everyday life around them gradually faded away. It was a special evening, one that was meant to be theirs alone. Minho smiled when he saw Felix tugging nervously at his sleeve. "Hey," he said softly, and Felix looked up, his eyes shining with excitement and a hint of uncertainty.
"Hmm," Felix replied, a little sheepishly. „It's going to be fine. I won't force you to do anything. This should be an unforgettable evening for both of us", Minho reassured the nervous boy, who just nodded. Then they entered the café and were greeted by a friendly barista who led them to a cosy table in the corner. The café was warm and inviting, with dimmed lights and soft music playing in the background.

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