This is just the beginning¹⁴

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 XIV

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 XIV

TW: major character death (read the note at the end)

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TW: major character death (read the note at the end)


Felix wakes up with a severe headache and wants to move, but quickly realizes that he is tied to a chair. Even when he tries to open his eyes, he is greeted only by darkness. His eyes have been blindfolded and whoever tied the knot on his hands knows Felix and his skills. Because normally it only takes seconds before Felix can free himself from such restraints.
"Good morning sunshine!" the boy then hears a familiar voice say. Felix doesn't dare say anything. He doesn't want to believe that this voice actually belongs to the man he saw as his idol just a few hours ago.

"I know this whole situation comes as a bit of a surprise, but I need your brother and I couldn't include you. You would never be on my side if you knew what I am about to do to him, but don't worry... nothing will happen to you," Mr. Zee says with a laugh. Felix hears the man move away from him. "They're here..." someone whispers, but it wasn't Mr. Zee. "All right then, I'll have to cut our meeting a little short," says Mr. Zee and walks back to Felix. Felix feels the man place a hand on his leg. "Felix you've always been the better son and definitely my favorite son. Your brother... he was always a bit difficult. He just wasn't cut out for life as we know it. I tried to get rid of him before, but he wouldn't leave your side and you wouldn't leave his either," Mr. Zee admits honestly, which shocks Felix. Felix knew that Mr. Zee was never really fond of Yongbok, but that he had tried to get rid of him before was new to him.

"And then he overheard me too... Do you know how painful that was for me?" asks the old man with a sarcastic undertone. "And then it was clear. Yongbok has to die... Unfortunately, I only found out he knew things that he shouldn't know shortly after you left. But now is the perfect moment to finally do it. You hate him... he hates you. I can finally get rid of him and you'll finally be my good soldier... my good son" says Mr. Zee with a laugh and Felix's muscles start to tighten. Felix wants to tear himself out of his restraints and throw himself against the old man's neck. He wants to wrap his hands around him and squeeze so hard that he lets out the last breath from his body. 'Let him do it... Yongbok is nothing...'  Felix is not surprised that Helena is on the old man's side and even if Felix would otherwise follow her blindly, his brother is more important to him. So Felix tries to defend himself, but there's nothing he can do.

"To make sure you don't get in my way, I'm afraid I'll have to put you out of action for a short time," Mr. Zee whispers in Felix's ear and then there is silence. But not for long, because just a few seconds later Felix hears a shot fired from a gun. Everything happens in slow motion. Felix can't see or move, but he can hear exactly how the bullet is fired... how it moves closer and closer to him and how it finally pierces his right shoulder. "Argh!" Felix screams in pain. This is the first time Felix has ever been injured... No one has ever done that before. But well... Felix couldn't defend himself... he couldn't dodge... He was totally at the mercy of the shot. Felix can feel the pain traveling through every single nerve pathway in his body until it finally reaches his brain.

But he is not the only one who seems to be sitting there in pain. Helena... at first she screams... then she is silent... and now Felix no longer feels her presence. It's as if the bullet has thrown Helena out of him. Felix can no longer feel or hear her by his side. 'Helena?' He tries to distract himself from the pain and look for her, but nothing. Everything is silent... Felix only feels the pain and can hear Mr. Zee laughing in the background. "I have to go now. I'll see you soon enough... Devil," then the man disappears, leaving the boy bleeding on the chair. Now Felix has really lost everything. His brother... Helena... Mr. Zee... his invulnerability... Everything Felix still had is now gone. And then darkness greets him again.

While Minho, Hyunjin and Jisung set out to find Felix, Chan, Yongbok and Changbin gather in the middle of the ship. They make an easy target, but they know they are not alone. Chan's men are standing by and Seungmin has his drone flying over the boys. "We've got Felix. He's been shot and is bleeding badly. We need to get him out of here," they hear Minho say in their earpieces. Chan gives them the okay, but there's still no sign of Mr. Zee. "Where is this old man?" asks Changbin impatiently, who doesn't like the situation at all. There is an oppressive silence and even Seungmin can't see anyone else on the ship. "He won't have left already, would he?" asks Chan in confusion, but Yongbok is sure that it's not over yet.

Suddenly, a deafening explosion ripped through the silence, followed by a sharp bang. Without warning, a bullet pierced the darkness and hit Yongbok directly in the chest. He staggered back, his body wracked with searing pain. Confusion and horror were reflected in his eyes as he slowly slumped to the ground, surrounded by the darkness of the night and the echo of the shot that ended his life. While Changbin immediately searched for the shooter, Chan rushed to Yongbok's side. He knelt beside him and gently lifted him onto his lap. Yongbok fought back tears. "Everything will be all right," Chan promises the boy, but he knows he can't promise him that.

The wound is big and the blood is a lot. Chan's hands trembled when he saw Yongbok's wound and his heart ached with fear and despair. But despite his own fear, Chan remained strong for Yongbok. Yongbok should not see how Chan would like to shoot everyone and everything. He wants to be there for him. But he doesn't want to lose him either. "Seungmin, call an ambulance. We need help now," Chan says quickly to himself. But even if the ambulance were to arrive in the next few minutes, any help would be too late. And Yongbok knows that. "It's okay Channie... Everything is exactly as it should be... Please take care of my brother... That was just the beginning," Yongbok says as he takes Chan's face in his hand and forces the older one to look at him. Now even Chan can no longer suppress his tears and simply lets them flow.

Yongbok gives his boyfriend one last smile before closing his eyes and dropping his hand to the floor. "No... NO! Yongbok wake up! WAKE UP!" Chan screams desperately, but Yongbok doesn't move an inch. Then Chan feels a hand on his shoulder and looks at the person with a furious look. "The paramedics are here..." says Changbin, trying to drag his boss away from Yongbok's lifeless body. Chan tries not to resist and lets the paramedics do their job, but as expected, there's nothing more they can do for the boy. They place a black cloth over the body and that's it... Yongbok is dead and Chan has one more reason to kill this old man.



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Hey guys,

I know I said, I maybe won't include the major character death, but this one is important for the plot.

And if you have read my last book 'Muted', then you can maybe guess what's going to happen...

Hope you can forgive me and I tried to keep it as short as possible.

Hope you still liked it!


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