Part 1

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Sitting in my Apartment alone, watching Chicago Med; that's usually how I spend my days off. I don't have work tomorrow either, so I expect to become part of my couch and eat my weight in snacks just as I've done today.

I'm unfortunately interrupted when my best friend calls me

"This better be good, Chlo... You're interrupting a very important meeting" I answer the phone

"I'm sure the Doctors will be fine being paused for a few moments, Ev" she replies

"Very funny. How do you know its Med?"

"Girl, you know that TV is loud enough for the whole building to hear, let alone me in the Apartment below you"

"Shit, really?" I ask, scrambling to turn down the volume

"You need your ears cleaned" she jokes

"Alright, what did you call for?" I ask

"I'm about to go on a date, I need you to keep your phone nearby in case I need an escape" she tells me

"Gotcha. I'll track you as always" I reply

"So.... Who's the date? Where'd you meet them? I need details. I'll do a background check"

She chuckles

"You've already done one... It's Delilah" she tells me

"FINALLY" I exclaim

"You finally grew the balls to ask her out?"

"Yes, bitch, calm down. It was hard to gauge if she was into girls or not, you know that" she replies

"Uh huh, but you spent a month trying to figure it out, Chlo. I don't think this girl would've come into the same store every single day for a whole month and conveniently run into you every time just because she enjoyed the atmosphere..." I tease

"Yeah yeah, shut your mouth. I'm about to leave so I can't bicker with you, but I'll text you as much as I can. As usual, if you don't hear anything from me in an hour, call the cops" she responds

"Of course. Good luck and get laid."

I hang up the phone and open the tracking app that Chloe and I use to track each other's phones. We started doing it years ago just as a precaution and haven't stopped since. It's a scary world and I'll be damned if someone kidnaps my best friend.

Leaving my phone on with the tracking app on the screen, I set it next to me on the couch and hit play on the TV again although I really can't hear much now that I turned it down. Chloe is right, I should get my ears cleaned... Thank God for Closed Captions.

-1 Hour Later-

"Going well, I don't think I'll need cops, but I may need an ambulance if she keeps touching me so subtly and doesn't kiss me" Chloe texts

"Just initiate the kiss, bitch. Stop waiting!" I reply

She doesn't respond, I know she knows I'm right, but she hates it. We hate when the other person is right.

I chuckle and put my phone back down, the tracking app still open just in case. I get up to grab another snack but a knock on my door stops me in my tracks.

Who the hell could that be?

I walk over to the door and check through the peephole; it's a guy... He looks about my age, but I don't recognize him. I decide to ignore it and start to walk towards the kitchen again, but he knocks again. Confused and curious, I grab my bat and slightly crack open the door.

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