Part 18

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*Evelyn's POV*

"I love you" I say, without really thinking. I had planned to wait for him to say it first, or maybe to at least wait a while first but... I can't help it. I love him. Fuck, I hope he feels the same...

Silence is all I hear for a moment, his face looks confused... Shit. Definitely too soon...

I lower my head and stutter over my words

"Sorry, I- I shouldn't have said that... It's too soon... I just... I'm sorry-"

His hand grabs my face and brings my attention back to his face, a smile now clearly visible.

"I love you" he says

"You do?" I ask

"Yes. I love you."

He pulls my face to his and kisses me eagerly, I can still feel his smile through the kiss. Relief washes over my body and I can no longer fight my smile anymore either. Soon the kiss breaks since neither of us can do anything but grin like little kids.

"Thank god" I mutter

"You can say that again." Jay chuckles

I nuzzle into his embrace again, preparing to drift to sleep. With every breath I take, my nose fills with the scent of him; his natural scent as well as his leftover cologne. It's a smell that I'd like to have a candle of. His warm, strong arms wrapped around me, that scent engulfing my lungs, the sound of his heartbeat in my ear... It all lulls me right to sleep and I feel more peace than I think I ever have.

*The next morning*

Waking up, in the same exact position as we fell asleep, is comforting. That rarely happens with either of us so I guess we must have really slept well last night.

I flutter my eyes open and look up to see Jay still asleep, looking handsome as ever. I smile and admire him for a few moments then lay my head against his chest and close my eyes again, not to fall back asleep, but to get lost in thought of how lucky I am. I love him so much.

I don't know how much time passes but after a while, Jay wakes up and drowns me in kisses.

"Good morning. I love you." he says with a huge smile on his face

"Good morning. I love you too." I smile back

"Let's go shower" he says

Before I can protest, he swoops me up into his arms and practically runs to the shower, still with a huge grin on his face. It's really unfair how adorable he is.

After a shower, we get dressed and he insisted on learning how to blow dry my hair for me. I'm not totally sure why but he was very adamant about it and I thought it was incredibly cute so I showed him. He picked it up very fast, not that it's complicated.

Finally, we're ready and Jay drags me over to his place, unlocks the door and barges in to wake up Mike and Ryan.

"Wakey, wakey, assholes." he chuckles as he closes the door

Ryan was half awake on the couch and he just laughed, while we hear Mike from the room bitching about "beauty sleep".

"No amount of sleep can fix that face." Jay jokes, on his way to the kitchen to start coffee

Ryan laughs again

A minute or so later, a very sleepy Mike enters the living room and sits in the chair next to the couch.

"If I weren't so tired, you'd be regretting everything right now." he grumbles

"Oh shut up, cranky pants. Nobody shit in your cereal... Yet." Ryan jokes

My Neighbor, Jay (18+)Where stories live. Discover now