Part 6

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"I'm sorry?" I respond

"Your boyfriend... He's weird" he says

"First of all, not my boyfriend... Second of all, why is that your business and how did you form an opinion on him? Were you spying on me?"

He chuckles and smirks

"I can spot weirdos from a mile away, Ev. Good thing he's not your boyfriend, I'd feel sorry for you"

"Feel sorry all you want, he's a wonderful man. He's respectful, unlike you" I reply, irritated

I'm not even sure why I'm defending Adam so hard, but he is a good guy and Jay isn't... So he has no right to judge.

"Being nice doesn't make him 'wonderful'. Besides, how well do you know him? He could be a killer and just putting on a front?"

I scoff in shock at his statement

"That's none of your business and you're wrong. You also didn't answer my question, were you spying on us?"

"I just happened to see him drop you off and kiss you like such a pussy" he replies

"You're such a dick" I say, attempting to shut the door but he stops it with his hand

"Absolutely not. Get the fuck away." I snap at him

"Oh calm down, I'm not going to hurt you. I just wanted to talk" he says

"About what?" I ask, annoyed

"Stuff" he says

"Uh huh... What stuff? Just go." I reply, trying to shut the door again but alas, he pushes back on it again. He's definitely stronger than me.

"Come oooon" he chuckles

"Stop taking it so serious and just let me in. I'm bored again"

I roll my eyes and walk towards my kitchen. I don't have the energy to argue with him anymore. Maybe if I entertain him for 2 minutes, he'll just leave.

He walks in and shuts the door behind him

"Why do you want to hang out with me? I thought you had friends?" I ask, kicking my heels off and sitting on the couch

"Eh, you're closer" he says

That's it? I'm closer? I think he just has fun annoying me.

"Okay... Just invite a friend to your place then" I reply as he sits on the couch next to me

"Why, so you can bitch about me making more noise?" he chuckles

He does have a point there...

"I still don't understand. I may be close but you hardly know me" I reply, standing up to water my plants. Honestly I'm just looking for a reason to not sit so close to him. It bugs me that he's such an ass but so damn hot... Especially now. I just noticed what he's wearing... A tight black tank top that really outlines his abs and shows his biceps and some dark gray sweats that are a little tighter than you'd think was comfortable... It's hard not to notice the imprint of his dick in those pants.

"I may annoy you but you amuse me" he chuckles, standing up and following me

"Well great, I'm glad my annoyance amuses you" I retort

"Only because it's so easy to provoke" he says

He follows me as I move from plant to plant, watering them

"And by the way... You look ravishing... I don't think that guy appreciated that enough" he says

My face turns hot. Ravishing? Most people just use typical words like 'Beautiful', 'Gorgeous' or 'Hot' but that's one I've never heard... And he thinks that? He thinks I'm... Attractive? My stomach flutters a little.

My Neighbor, Jay (18+)Where stories live. Discover now