Part 3

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-The Next Morning, 10am-

Work is usually mindless for me but I'm struggling so far, knowing that I have to ask my boss for a raise or promotion. I work at a Medical Clinic and my official job is just Data Entry but since about 6 months into the job, I've ended up doing many other tasks that aren't in my job description or pay grade. It's stressful and even though I'm pretty good at managing stress and like I said, it's usually mindless for me, it's still not fair that I'm expected to do more but not be compensated for it. I don't like letting people use or walk all over me. It's time to put my foot down and stand up for myself.

I decided I'll wait until I'm clocked out for the day and just stop by my boss's office before I go home. She's usually winding down her work by then so she shouldn't be too busy or stressed and it'll hopefully be a smooth, easy conversation.


I clock out, gather my stuff and take deep breaths as I walk to my boss's office. Her door is cracked open, as usual, so I take a moment to pep talk myself before stepping in.

You got this Evelyn. It's not a big deal. The worst she can say is no, and you can find another job that will give you better.

Okay... Here goes nothing.

I knock on the door lightly before stepping in

"Oh Evelyn, how's it going?" she greets me

"Going well, Hannah. How about you?"

"Good actually, today's been pretty calm" she smiles

Thank goodness...

"Um... I actually wanted to speak with you for a moment if you could?" I ask

"Of course, or course, sit" she tells me, gesturing to the chair in front of her desk

"So... I've been working here for nearly 2 and a half years now and you know I love this job..." I start

"Yeah, you're definitely different from the other employees. Not many people enjoy office jobs" she chuckles

"Oh god... Don't tell me you're leaving" she says, her expression turning nervous

"No, no!" I reply

"Um, I was actually wanting to discuss the possibility of getting a raise... Or a promotion" I say nervously

"I uh, I understand if you are hesitant. I know raises are rarely given and typically nobody gets promoted before their 3-year mark, but I've been working very hard, frankly, above my pay grade and it's not that I mind it, I just feel I should be paid the equivalent of the work I do and-"

She cuts me off

"Evelyn, honey, it's okay" she says, waving her hand

"I was actually going to speak with you at the end of the week about this. You really do amazing work and like I said, I don't know anybody else that would enjoy the work you do. You do deserve better." she starts

I'm usually good at reading people but Hannah's face and attitude is so difficult to gauge... I can't tell if she's going to give me what I asked for or fire me.

"How would you feel about becoming Assistant manager?" she asks

I nearly jump out of my skin

"Assistant manager? Really?" I ask

She nods and smiles

"Raya is leaving soon, as she is moving to another state, so I will be without an assistant, and it didn't take me long to think of who I'd want as a replacement"

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