Part 16

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"Fuck. Your moans... The way you scream my name... Everything makes me so desperate for you. I can be buried completely inside you and still crave more. Nobody else has ever or could ever compare to that" he groans.

I swear I'm going to lose the ability to walk if he keeps this up... Not just the way he talks to me or about me but also how good he fucks me. Especially when he barely gives me breaks in between.

Unable to think of a response other than "Fuck me", I bring him in for another kiss. That might have been the wrong decision though... His breathing intensifies and he holds me down as he aggressively grinds himself against me and I feel how hard he is already. I whimper at the sudden feeling.

He breaks the kiss and loosens his grip on me

"Fuck... We have to go before I risk getting us in trouble for fucking you senseless right here" he growls

Well speaking like that isn't exactly the best way to stop me wanting more... I almost don't care about getting in trouble... But there really are too many people around to risk it. We'd get caught before it would actually get anywhere. Fuck.

I sigh as I shift back into my seat and buckle up before he starts the car again and we make our way back home. After getting home and putting Jay's stuff in his place, we go to my place so I can put my stuff away. Afterwards, I collapse onto the couch, overcome with exhaustion. This man fucked me senseless, took me all around the mall, and then I had to organize all my new and old clothes. I'm pooped.

"I am not moving from this couch until it's time for bed" I sigh

Jay giggles at me, sitting down next to my head

"I expected so. I'll be right here with you." he smiles

We spend the rest of the day on that couch, as promised, watching TV and talking. I spend some time in my head, not even paying attention to the TV. I can't believe I'm so comfortable with Jay already. He makes me feel so safe, content, happy, and wanted; It's not a feeling I'm used to, especially so quickly.

*About 2 weeks later, Saturday*

Jay is finally meeting Chloe and Delilah today. We're going out for lunch in about 20 minutes, and I can't say I'm not nervous. Usually, I wouldn't be because if my best friend and potential partner can't get along then I have no problem calling it off with the partner... But the idea of calling it off with Jay, hurts. I really hope they get along...

Once in the car and on the way to lunch, Jay and I are engaged in casual conversation.

"Is there anything I should know about Chloe? Or Delilah, even?" Jay asks

"No, not that I can think of. They're both pretty much just like me. I've already told you quite a bit about them, especially the basics, so this should be pretty easy." I reply

"I'm sure it will be, Sweets. I don't see why there would be any issues" he smiles at me

"I like when you call me 'sweets'." I smile back at him

"Well, it describes you well. Your personality..."

His hand leaves the steering wheel and grips my upper thigh, his pinky finger grazing my core

"How you taste..."

I suck in a sharp breath as I try not to beg for him pathetically. I see his grin through my peripheral vision. Such an ass.

Finally, we get to the restaurant and Chloe and Delilah are already there, sitting at a table. We make our way over to them and I give formal introductions before we sit down. The conversation starts with the basics, how we all met each other, what everyone does for a living, etc. Even though we all know almost all the answers already. It's not long before the story telling and joking starts, making it feel so comfortable and easy. Even through ordering food, we couldn't stop laughing. It slows down a bit when we get our food but even still, jokes crack between bites. After nearly inhaling our food, the normal conversation picks back up.

My Neighbor, Jay (18+)Where stories live. Discover now