Part 22

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"I'm guessing you made a decision?" Chloe asks me.

"Yes... I want to move in with him. Or... Him move in with me... However it works. I want to live with him." I smile

"Thank God. I was worried you wouldn't come to your senses." she chuckles

"Me too, honestly. I didn't want to be stressing about this forever and possibly ruin the relationship." I chuckle back

"Well you definitely wouldn't ruin the relationship, Ev. He loves you too much and is too understanding to let that happen."

"I know... Damn, he's like... The best person I've ever met..." I mutter

"Hey, thanks." Chloe jokes

"You know what I mean, bitch." I laugh

"Oh hey, where is Delilah? If you're home, usually she's with you." I ask

"Oh, she's actually coming soon, she was staying later at the art studio to help with some cleaning and re-stocking." she tells me

"Oh, I totally forgot... Jay and I went there today and painted!" I tell her

I spent a little while longer talking to Chloe and telling her about the painting and the rest of the day, and then say my goodbyes... I have to go talk to Jay.

I get upstairs and into my apartment, surprised that Jay isn't there. He's probably just doing something at his place. I decide that instead of just telling him I want to live with him... I'll do it in a way that's a bit more... Fun.

Moving quickly because I don't know when he'll come back, I rush into my room and slip on some lingerie that I have yet to wear, then put on some loose, comfy clothes over it to hide it. Next, I head back into the living room and quickly open my laptop and open a few different tabs... One with a search for new bedding, one with a search for a new dresser, and a few more with similar searches. Just as I start scrolling through some stuff, Jay comes in.

"Well that was pretty fast." he says, shutting the door and walking towards the couch.

"Yeah, I wanted to get back to you." I say cheesily, smiling at him.

He smiles back

"Well I definitely won't complain."

I make sure to bring my attention back to my searches and provoke him to look...

"What are you shopping for?" he asks, shifting his focus to my screen.

"Furniture?" he asks, confused.

"Oh, yeah... Well you know, I figured if we're moving in together, we should maybe get a few new things to really make it feel like 'ours'." I say nonchalantly.

I don't look at him but I feel his face light up and he shuts my laptop before shifting his position to force me to look at him... Happiness plastered on his face.

"Ev... Are you saying you want to live with me?"

I nod and grin, which makes him grin even harder. He grabs my laptop and sets it on the coffee table and excitedly pushes me onto my back and lays on top of me, squeezing me.

"I love you so much." he mutters, his words muffled by his face being shoved in my neck.

"I love you too." I chuckle

"But I won't be able to live with you if you suffocate me to death." I joke

He lifts himself off me and still hasn't changed that extatic expression. He's so fucking adorable. Never did I think that I'd see a man, let alone Jay, this excited to live with me.

My Neighbor, Jay (18+)Where stories live. Discover now