Part 14

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It's been an hour and we're only about halfway through the store. I thought Jay would be bored by now, but he's stayed with me the whole time with a grin on his face and has been completely engulfed in my excitement as I find book after book that I've either wanted for a while or just discovered and am excited to own. He's even grabbed 2 for himself, surprisingly.

"I didn't think you'd grab any books" I chuckle to him

"I actually used to enjoy reading a bit, but I stopped when I became the owner of my company. It left me with very little time for myself up until a year ago and I just never took the time to get back into reading" he replies

"What's your favorite genre?" I ask

"Suspense, definitely. Yours?"

"Mine too" I grin

I should've guessed, the 2 books he's got are both suspense-thrillers. One I've read and the other, I haven't.

We spend almost another hour in the store, I've got about 14 books in my basket and Jay has 3 now. After we checkout and I argue with him about paying that much for books, only for him to insist it's his pleasure, we get back into the car and he then insists on taking me to dinner.

"Jay, I understand you own a company and have good money, but you really don't have to spend so much on me" I protest

"Ev, trust me... I want to. If you're really uncomfortable with it then I understand, and I'll stop but I promise you I wouldn't do it if I couldn't afford it and didn't actually want to. Besides, where I want to take you isn't very expensive" he replies

"Fine... Let's go" I sigh

"Ev, if you really don't want to, it's alright."

"No, no, it's okay, I promise. It's not that I'm uncomfortable, really... I'm just not used to people spending money on me"

"I get that, I'm honestly not used to spending money on other people but when it comes to you... I enjoy it" he says

I don't really know how to react to that. It's sweet... I don't understand what it is about me that makes him want to spoil me but I guess I'm not mad at it. I feel the same way about him... I make a little more money now that I did before so I will definitely start reciprocating the spoiling.... But he better not argue.

We arrive at the restaurant, it's one I haven't heard of before, but it looks yummy. It's a sit-down restaurant, where you're waited on, but it doesn't seem super fancy, which is good considering how I'm dressed.

We sit down and order our food and throughout eating, our conversation and laughter is nonstop. It never feels awkward with him, I never feel embarrassed to be myself or like I have nothing in common with him. We actually have lots in common and it's a blissful feeling compared to any other person I've dated.

After we finish eating, I stop to go to the bathroom in the restaurant. Just as I'm exiting the stall, Jay startles me by standing right outside of it

"Jay! You scared me! What are you doing in here? This is the ladies' room" I whisper loudly

He smirks devilishly while picking me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and going back into the stall before locking it and pushing my back against the stall wall

"Jay, what-"

"Shhh..." he whispers, putting his head to my ear

"I couldn't wait to get another taste of you..." he groans, kissing my neck

A soft moan escapes my lips

"Jay... We're in a public bathroom... Someone could walk in" I whisper

"Then I guess you'll have to be extra quiet, won't you Princess?" he whispers, his hands tightening their grip on my ass and his breath tickling my neck

My Neighbor, Jay (18+)Where stories live. Discover now