Part 9

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-Wednesday, 5:45pm-

Yesterday was torture. Work was slow and for the first time in who knows how long, I couldn't totally focus on just work. I kept thinking about what date Jay could've possibly planned so quickly. After work, I didn't see Jay at all and it's been quiet although considering he admitted to only making noise to get my attention, it makes sense that he's quiet now. I also spent most of the night talking to Chloe, as you can assume, she was ecstatic hearing about everything.

He already got my attention.

Today was slightly easier. Work was busy, Hannah had meetings all day, so I actually took on a bit more work than normal. After getting home, I showered and put on a little makeup. It took me a while to decide on an outfit because Jay refused to give me any hint as to what we're doing but I guess when he 'picks me up' I'll ask if my outfit is appropriate.

I'm wearing a deep blue long sleeve shirt with a V-neckline, black skinny jeans and some heeled black boots. My Jewlery is the same as always. I will also put on my leather jacket to keep me warm since it's chilly outside. Why Jay decided to start the date 2 hours after I got off work, and it's already dark out, I don't know. Although I am a little grateful because it gave me time to shower beforehand.

I'm slipping on my jacket and fidgeting with my hair in the mirror as I wait for Jay. I'm usually not nervous for dates but this time I am.

At 5:55pm, Jay knocks on the door. I open the door to him and immediately take notice of his outfit. His button-down shirt is the same blue as my shirt. He's also got black jeans on and some black shoes. His arms are behind his back.

"Evening Milady, you look rather dashing" he says with an awful mimic of an accent that I'm assuming is meant to be British as he bows forward just barely. I can't help but laugh in response.

"I know... I'm not good at accents" he replies, laughing as well

He brings his arms forward revealing a small bouquet of flowers

"I debated on just going to buy some at the store, but I saw a ton of these planted across the street and I couldn't just pass them up" he says

He hand-picked them? Damn.

"Thank you, Jay... That's really sweet" I say, grabbing the flowers from him

I step towards my kitchen and place them in a vase of water

"You do look stunning, by the way. I promise I didn't spy on you to match on purpose" he chuckles

"Thank you, you look very handsome, yourself. Speaking of, is this appropriate for the date? Since you won't tell me anything about it"

He giggles to himself

"Yes, it's appropriate"

Damn it... I was hoping he'd give in and tell me more.

"Alright well let's go then" I reply

We leave my apartment and make our way downstairs to his car. About 5 minutes into the drive, he stops for a moment.

"Don't hate me... But I'm going to need you to be blindfolded from here" he says

"Uh... I'd rather not" I reply, inevitably suspicious.

"I promise I'm not going to kill you or anything, just trust me" he chuckles, handing me a bandana to use

I swear to God... He's lucky I already talked to Chloe and have her tracking me.

"Fine" I reply, tying the bandana around my head. I debated doing it in a way that left me some vision so I could still see but make him believe I couldn't but... Somehow, I trust him not to hurt me.

My Neighbor, Jay (18+)Where stories live. Discover now