Part 25

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*2 weeks later, Friday*

Jay and I have already started moving stuff into the new place, just odds and ends that we won't need for a little bit. My lease with this apartment is officially up in a little over a week and Jay has already broken his lease. This weekend we're moving in the rest of our stuff since we just can't wait to be officially moved in. Chloe has already fully moved in with Delilah so they're helping us with our moving.

When we told them that we got the place near them, 'excited' was an understatement for how they reacted. Chloe and I expected to be at least a 10 minute drive away, which isn't far at all but we're so used to being 1 flight of stairs or 1 elevator ride away from each other. Now it's about a 3 minute walk or 1 minute drive.

The odds that we would end up with a wonderful place to live, close to where my best friend was moving, were so fucking slim, it's crazy... I don't know what I did to deserve all the wonderful things that have happened to me recently, but I'm never going to take it for granted.

The day is almost over already. After I got home from work, Jay and I got rid of the last of some stuff we didn't need or want anymore. Some clothes, some furniture, and other miscellaneous items. We decided on keeping my bed instead of his... Shocker, I know. Tomorrow and Sunday will be the bulk of the moving and as stressful and difficult as it may be, I'm so excited. I don't even care if I break a bone while trying to move things.

Okay, that's a joke, I really don't want to break a bone but... You get what I mean. I'm ecstatic.

The night winds down and Jay and I have gotten ready for bed. We're relaxing on the couch. Jay is watching some TV while I read a book. It's a peaceful night and I realize how lucky I am for the life I have.

Just as I'm getting into a really good part of my book, there's a knock at the door.

"Dammit Chlo... What the hell could you want at this hour?" I mumble to myself.

Jay giggles at my frustration and I set down my book to head over to the door.

"Chlo, this better be go-" I start to say, opening the door. My sentence stops when I realize it's not Chloe. It's fucking Adam.

I immediately try to shut the door and his hand stops it.

"You better leave before I call the cops." I say, angrily. Jay is behind me within a second of hearing what I said.

"Ev, calm down please..." Adam says, holding his hands up in defense.

"I came to apologize." he continues

"Apologize? You couldn't text me, or call me? Or maybe even show up at a normal hour of the day?" I ask, annoyed. Jay stays quiet, I know he knows I'm grown enough to handle things myself, he's more just there as backup. I appreciate him being so respectful and letting me handle my own problems.

"Well, you have me blocked... So texting or calling wasn't really and option, and I swear I was just in the area so I thought I'd just stop by and see if you were up. I thought about just leaving a note or something but... I wanted to speak to you personally." Adam explains. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt so far.

"Fair enough." I reply.

"I'm sorry for how I treated you. After our date, and at the club. I was drunk, both times and that's not an excuse but it definitely isn't how I usually act, especially towards women." he continues

"I hope you'll forgive me. I don't want there to be animosity between us if we run into each other in public again. We don't have to be friends, I'd just like to be cordial."

I sigh, quietly. I appreciate his apology and the balls it took to come here and do it. It's just obviously a little difficult to believe and understand.

My Neighbor, Jay (18+)Where stories live. Discover now