Part 21

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Did... Did he really just ask me that? Am I dreaming? Is he dreaming? Nope... We're both definitely awake.

"Uh... I..." I mumble, unable to form a cohesive sentence

"If you don't want to or don't even know yet, that's okay babe." he says

"I honestly just haven't thought about it." I reply

Despite the fact that I love him and we're in a healthy relationship, I did not think about living together yet. Chloe and Delilah did make a good point that we already practically do live together but I never actually entertained the idea of officially living together, for some reason.

"Sweets..." he says, snapping me out of thought

"It's okay. I understand why you hadn't thought about it. It is technically a bit fast to make a decision like that... I just felt comfortable with the idea so I didn't see any sense in not bringing it up but I'm absolutely fine with waiting until you're ready." he assures me

Why is he so unbelievably understanding and considerate all the time?

There goes his voice in my head...

'Bare minimum, babe.'

Still... It's unbelievable.

"I honestly can't think of a reason why we couldn't... I just want some time to process it." I reply

"Absolutely. Take all the time you need." he smiles, kissing my forehead and pulling me into his arms tighter. I'm instantly half asleep. I would be fully asleep if it weren't for my thoughts filling my brain. I genuinely can't think of a reason not to live together but I'm still unsure of what to do. I don't understand why. Maybe I'm just tired and I'll have a clearer mind in the morning...

*The next morning*

The morning goes by pretty slowly as Jay and I take our time with breakfast and getting ready for the day. We don't necessarily have any plans but we're trying to go out and do stuff more.

"Picnic?" Jay asks, sitting on the bed behind me while I browse through clothes.

"Oooh another picnic date? Count me in!" I reply. I hear Jay chuckle in response.

"Okay so that can be lunch, what do we do until then and afterwards?"

"Hell if I know. You know me, I usually watch TV or read my books. I'm not good at thinking of activities to do." I reply

"What about something art related? Like painting or pottery. There's a few classes in the area for both." he says

"Ooh! We could go to Delilah's painting class!" I suggest excitedly

"I forgot she taught one. Is it open today?"

"I think so, I saved the location on my phone maps... Let me check the hours." I reply, grabbing my phone.

"Yep, it's open! I don't think you need a reserved spot or anything... It looks like today is an open day so anyone can just come in and join."

"How convenient. It's a sign. We'll do that first!" he says

I quickly slip on some clothes that I'm not worried about getting covered in paint and Jay changes to similar clothes before we head for the car and drive to the art studio.

We get inside and Delilah recognizes us immediately and rushes over with a huge grin.

"Are you guys joining today?!" she asks

"Absolutely. What the hell do we do? I know nothing..." I giggle

"Okay, just take a seat anywhere you'd like, each station has everything you'll need already so you only need to get up if you need another towel or water cup." she explains

My Neighbor, Jay (18+)Where stories live. Discover now