Part 12

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-The Next Morning, 6am-

My last alarm wakes me up. Usually, I'm up at 5am on workdays but clearly, today wasn't going to be one of those days.

I'm a bit dazed as I wake up, taking a moment to realize I'm in Jay's bed and not my own. He's wrapped around me, big-spoon style, sleeping like a baby. He's got the most subtle snore that happens every few minutes, it's so adorable.

I reach over to grab my phone and double check the time, as I always do, before setting it back down and twisting myself around to face Jay, who slowly awakens as I do.

"Good morning" I whisper

His eyes flutter open, and he smiles when his gaze focuses on me

"A good morning, it is" he replies

I smile back and kiss him gently

"I have to get ready for work" I tell him

He groans and pulls me into his arms tighter, trying to protest and tell me to call in

"As much as I'd love to do that, I have a meeting today and I can't miss it" I tell him. He sighs and gives in, loosening his grip on me as he covers my face in kisses before letting me go

"You can go back to sleep, I'll head back to my place to get ready, and I'll text you later" I tell him, pulling myself out of bed and gathering my things

"I'm already awake, I crashed early with you so I'm plenty rested. Can I come with you?" he asks

"To work?" I chuckle

"No, no" he giggles

"Just to your place, while you get ready?"

"I mean, sure, but you know it's not going to be very exciting right?" I chuckle again

"I just want to be near you" he says

Well, way to melt my heart.

"You're too cute. Come on, let's go" I giggle

He gets up, slips on some pants and follows me back to my apartment. When we get inside, I toss my dress and lingerie into the hamper and strip his shirt off my body to get ready for a shower and I notice him follow me into the bathroom, stripping off his clothes as well

"You want to shower with me?" I ask

He nods and grins like a damn kid on Christmas and I laugh at how cute it is. Nobody has ever wanted to shower with me before.

Once the water warms up, we step into the shower and I expect it to be annoying, like most people say it is. Showering together is definitely romanticized but I hear lots of people talk about how it's just annoying trying to share water and wash yourselves and even if you try to have sex in the shower, it's just a whole lot of awkward positions and struggle. That isn't my experience at all, with Jay.

Anytime I grab something, shampoo, body wash, conditioner, whatever, he grabs it from me and insists on washing me. He shampooed my hair for me and even lathered the conditioner in my hair before he washed my body. It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable at all. He massaged my scalp as he washed my hair, he lathered my body expertly with soap and the part I expected to be most awkward, washing my privates, wasn't at all. He was gentle, thorough and respectful. I'd be lying if I said it didn't turn me on a little bit... But I held back because I knew I didn't have time before work and unfortunately, I really do need to make it on time.

I did the same to him. The only thing he wouldn't let me do was wash his ass, even though he got to wash mine. It was a playful argument for a moment but ultimately, I don't mind not doing it. I know he's clean, but I'd definitely have to be at least someone's girlfriend to actually do that. I just liked to argue about it because I'm stubborn.

My Neighbor, Jay (18+)Where stories live. Discover now