Part 13

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*The Next Morning*

Most days, including today, my internal clock wakes me up at 6:30am when my physical clock doesn't wake me at 6am. As I focus into reality, I turn to see Jay still sound asleep and I snuggle into him. I won't be able to fall back asleep, but I don't mind laying in his arms while staring out my window. I could probably do it for hours.

7:15am rolls around and I have to get up to pee. When I get back from the bathroom, Jay has rolled onto his side and is clutching my pillow as if it's going to grow legs and run away. I chuckle to myself.

"Jay?" I whisper, unsure if he's awake or not

"Mm" he mumbles

"You awake?"

"If I say no, will you stay in bed longer?"

I giggle and sit on the bed

"Well, I can't if you suffocate my poor pillow"

"Sorry" he chuckles, releasing his death grip and putting my pillow back

"It smelled like you" he smiles, sleepily

Fucking christ, why is he so adorable?

I snuggle back into him and lay in silence for a few minutes

"What's the plan today?" he asks

"I don't know, my usual Saturday plans are watching TV or hanging out with Chloe so unless you have a better idea..."

"Well as much as I love TV and would like to meet Chloe, I was wondering if you'd like to do something today. Something out of the house, I mean" he says

"That's fine with me, did you have anything specific in mind?"

"Not specifically, I wanted to talk about it and see what you thought"

"Hmm..." I ponder

"Let's brainstorm while we have breakfast. I'm starving" he says, getting himself out of bed and heading towards my kitchen

I chuckle to myself again, getting out of bed and following him

"I'll cook. What do you want?" he asks

"You've cooked for me twice now; I think I should cook for once" I protest

"If you'd really like to, go ahead, but I promise I do not mind. I enjoy cooking and I know I'm good at it" he teases

"Okay Mr. Cocky, you cook then" I pretend to give in

I really didn't want to cook anyways

"Sweet or savory?" he asks

"Mmm... Sweet"


"I love pancakes"

"Great" he says, searching through my food

"Seems you have everything too, wonderful"

I sit at the counter stool as we talk and he cooks, I still feel slightly bad for letting him cook so much, but I really don't enjoy it and he seems like he really does. We attempt to come up with an idea of what to do today but there's too many options and neither of us want to have the final say, so it's a bit anticlimactic.

"I'm going to go grab a few things from my apartment, do me a favor and set the plates at the table" he says

He heads out for a minute, and I set the table as requested, sitting down as I wait for his return, which is not but a minute later

"Jeez, got enough stuff?" I chuckle as Jay walks in with nearly 2 armfuls of things

"It's important, I promise" he chuckles again

My Neighbor, Jay (18+)Where stories live. Discover now