Part 10

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"I wasn't too sure before but... I'll admit, this date pushed me in that direction" I reply

He smiles

"Phew" he says, playfully wiping his forehead

"I thought I was going to be stuck with just fucking your brains out all the time" he says sarcastically

I shove him playfully

"Funny that you assumed that was my second choice. I could've decided to revert back to purely platonic neighbors"

"Oh please... You can't resist this" he says jokingly, running his hands down his body

"Keep it up and I'll change my mind" I joke back

He pouts playfully

"I'll just keep making unnecessary noise to annoy you at home"


"I'll just report you to the landlord"

"Jokes on you, there's nothing in the lease about noise or 'quiet hours'." he says

"There isn't?!" I exclaim, shocked

As far as I know, every apartment complex/building has a rule about noise...

"You're telling me you didn't read the lease before signing it?" he chuckles

"I read... Most of it..." I reply

I mean, I did. I skimmed it and focused on the parts I felt were important... Cost, eviction notices, etc.

"Good lord woman... Maybe I don't wanna date you, who knows what you've signed in agreement to without knowing. You could be married" he jokes

"Very funny, smart-ass"

He laughs again

We joke back and forth for a while longer, engage in some more conversation and eventually decide to head home. It's 7:15pm and he knows I go to bed early. How cute.

After we arrive back to the building, he offers for me to come inside and I agree, I'm having a good time and I certainly wouldn't mind extending it. It's not like I have far to go once I'm ready for bed.

"Before I forget, I think it's about time we exchange numbers, if that's alright with you" he says as we sit on his couch

"Oh yeah... I don't see the harm in that. We already know where each other lives" I chuckle

We put our numbers in each other's phones and he texts me immediately, despite me being right next to him

"On a date with a jaw-dropping woman. I hope she kisses me"

I giggle like a kid on Christmas

Come on, that's so fucking cute.

"She might" I reply

He smiles and puts his phone down, drawing his attention back to my physical presence and I do the same

We pick up conversation, getting to know each other. Some surface level things, some deeper.

His favorite color to wear is black but his favorite color otherwise is emerald green. Notably a different favorite color than most people I know. His favorite food is pasta, any kind, which explains the dinner choice tonight.

I tell him that my favorite color is burgundy, to wear or otherwise and my favorite food is anything involving potatoes. Mashed, Baked, Hash Browns, Roasted, anything. Potatoes are a beautifully versatile food.

He's only got 2 friends in his life, both of which he doesn't see much but speaks with on the phone often and considers his family. Of course he knows about my friends and family... Chloe. She's it. She's all I need though, it's never lonely, boring or dull having her in my life.

My Neighbor, Jay (18+)Where stories live. Discover now