Part 5

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"Kind of on that topic, I wanted to ask... What do you do for a living? It seems you're always home making noise" I ask him

He gets up and follows me to sit down in the living room. I sit on the recliner, and he sits on the couch, facing me.

"I work from home; I actually own a Tech Support company, so I don't usually have to do a whole lot on a day-to-day basis" he explains

"Own it? Wow... So why the hell didn't you like buy a house or rent a nicer one? Why live here?" I question

He giggles again

"It's not as much money as you'd think. Yes, it's a good amount and I definitely live comfortably but if I were to ever buy a home, I'd spend a long time looking for one because I'm very picky when it comes to what I'd expect from a 'forever home'."

"Well that makes sense I guess but I still don't understand the choice to be here... There's usually plenty of other options available in this area for rent, they're just a little bit more expensive" I reply

"Yeah, I thought about other options but when it comes to renting, I'm not very picky. I like the area, the apartment itself was a good size and it had the few things I did look for so I figured why go for a more expensive place just to have things I didn't really care about? Also... This place just kind of spoke to me... I don't know why" he says

"Well as long as you're happy, I guess that's all that matters"

He smiles and nods

"I am, so far"

"So really... What's with all the fucking noise?" I ask

"Just typical stuff. Hanging photos, moving furniture, watching TV or listening to music..." he starts

"Do you have to do it so loud?" I ask

He smiles

"No, I guess not but it's fun to irritate people" he admits

"And why is that?"

"Because people get so mad so quickly, over trivial things... I know noise can be annoying but honestly... You choose to live in apartments, especially ones with such thin walls... Haven't you gotten used to noise by now?"

I roll my eyes at his response

"I won't lie, you make some valid points.... But on the contrary, you chose to move into apartments as well, so would it kill you to be courteous of others and just be at least a little quieter?" I ask

"Fair enough..." he says, nodding his head

"By the way, most of us in the building are pretty quiet most of the time if you didn't notice... We understand that everyone can hear everything so we keep it to a minimum" I reply

"I have noticed. You people are boring" he teases, smiling

"And you're an ass" I tease back

I have to admit, he's funny and it's hard not to be comfortable and laugh around him. That's probably how he charms girls into bed so easily....

Our conversation continues casually for a while, it's easy flowing and not at all awkward like I kind of expected it to be. I'm usually very introverted but Jay seems to have a way with making people, or at least me, feel comfortable.

"So you started living with Chloe just a few months after meeting?" he asks, giggling with shock

"Yeah, I lived with her for a little over a year at her parents' house" I explain

"Why so fast? And why not just stay living with your parents?" he asks

"We got close very quickly... And my parents weren't exactly 'parents'. Once I met her family and saw how close and wonderful they were, I was longing for that type of connection and he parents offered it to me. They loved me and once they saw how my home life was, they begged me to come live with them" I explain

My Neighbor, Jay (18+)Where stories live. Discover now