Part 8

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"What... What do you mean?" I ask

"I mean what I said, Ev. I've had sex with my fair share of women... And not a single one has ever made me so desperate... So needy... So... So fucking hard" he says

I feel the butterflies again...

Unsure of how to respond, I stay silent and chuckle

"I don't even know if I should admit it but I am. Usually I take my sweet time teasing and playing with a girl before I actually fuck her. It makes both her and me feel 10x better and usually I can fuck for over an hour but you.... You did something..."

He rubs his face and stands up, slipping his boxers back on

"You're dangerous" he says, staring at me

"Suuure... Okay" I reply. I really don't know how to respond to things like that. I can hardly even process what just happened... It's like I was in a different world.

"I mean it, Ev." he says, leaning over me once again, his face just an inch from mine

"You're dangerous. You're addicting. I'm going to find a way to control myself because.... I have to.... I need to. I'm determined to control myself next time so I can do to you, just what I'm best at.... Teasing... Then pleasuring"

Next time? What he's best at? Oh lord...

I'm not sure how to handle that information. Do I want there to be a next time? This was great but I mean.... I don't know. Why am I so confused and unsure? My brain is running at the speed of light. He wants me? I want him...

He ventures off to the bathroom and I quickly slip on my shirt and pants, just collecting my underwear and bra before running out of his apartment and back into mine, locking the door behind me.

I don't know why I'm acting like such a chicken... I just... I don't know what to think. I hadn't planned on having sex with him... Probably ever... I just... I need to think and breathe for a bit. I go into my room and change into pajamas and hide under my covers as if I was running from a monster under my bed.

After taking some time to breathe, I get up to grab something to eat. Jay knocked on my door a few times... Trying to get my attention and probably to ask what's wrong but... I couldn't face him yet. I don't fully understand why I'm feeling this way. Part of it has to do with how good that sex was, honestly. I've never had sex that great and never enjoyed being so submissive and obedient. I'm also just unsure of what this would lead to. Friends with benefits? A relationship? Do I want either of those?

I'm supposed to not overthink, but I can't help it. I'm definitely going to need to talk to Jay but... Not yet. As I grab my food and head back towards my room, I see a piece of paper on the floor near my front door...

"It's Jay. I hope you're alright. Talk to me soon, please" it reads

Well at least he cares... He's able to switch between so sweet and respectful and being such an ass and annoying. That's partially also why I'm lost.

I'm just going to eat my food and crash. I don't even know what time it is, but I don't care... I need to reset my brain and body.

-The Next Morning, 7:30am-

I'm about to leave for work, I feel quite a bit better after sleeping. My head is a little clearer, especially after my morning routine and I'm calmer. I decided to write a note for Jay to slip under his door before I leave.

"It's Evelyn. I'm okay, I'll explain later. Talk soon" I wrote

I exit my apartment and quickly slip it under his door before racing to the stairs to head down. I'm not even waiting for the elevator today. I don't feel up to the conversation right now and I don't want to risk him seeing me until after work.

My Neighbor, Jay (18+)Where stories live. Discover now