Part 11

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He releases me from his embrace and pulls out a chair, gesturing for me to sit down and I do. He sits in the chair across from me and as I settle into my seat, I take notice of the food.

Roasted Tilapia with a loaded baked potato and some steamed vegetables. My mouth is watering both because of how delicious it looks but also because he remembered that I love potatoes... Granted I just told him last night, but I'm used to people, especially guys, forgetting things almost immediately after I tell them. I guess as Jay would say, remembering things should be the bare minimum... But it's still sweet to me, personally.

"Did you cook all of this?" I ask, poking my fork into some food

"Of course." he smiles, bringing a bite to his mouth

"So... You're a chef?" I joke

I can cook but it's very basic stuff. This and the pasta last night wasn't just "cooking", it is damn near gourmet.

"I took cooking classes for a bit after high-school, I'm definitely not a chef but I enjoy cooking and I wanted to be able to cook anything I desire" he replies

"Well, it seems you definitely achieved that. This is phenomenal" I say, filling my mouth with another bite

He giggles at me, and we take our time to eat

"By the way, as always, you look Delightful" he says

"Thank you, you look Delightful as well" I reply

We smile and have light conversation in between bites as we finish our food

After we're done, he tidies up the dishes and sits back down at the table with me

"I think it's important we talk about something" he says

Oh, good lord. What now?

"Don't freak out. It's not bad. I just think it's important" he reassures me

"Alright, shoot" I reply

"Sex" he says

I give him a confused look

"You may have noticed already but... I enjoy being a bit more Dominant and... Aggressive... During sex" he says

I nod, letting him know I'm aware. To my surprise, it actually didn't bother me that he liked that.

"I held back quite a bit when we first had sex because it was the first time, and I wasn't sure what you were comfortable with. I want to know what you're into and not into"

I think for a moment, not totally sure of what to say. I mean I thought I wouldn't be into the whole "dominant and submissive" thing but with him... I definitely am.

"I don't really know to be honest. I never expected to enjoy being dominated by someone until I met you so I'm not sure what else I could confidently say that I'm not into" I reply

"Oh... Spitting. The idea of being spit on makes me nauseous." I say

He chuckles

"Fine by me, I never liked that either"

I'm silent again for a minute as I try to think of other things to say. Realistically, there is things I could say, like some... Less common things I guess, but if I started listing all of those things that I wasn't into, we'd be here for a while...

"How about I list off things that I'm into and you just tell me 'Yes', 'No' or 'Maybe'?" he says

"Good idea. That's easier" I reply

"Okay, first... Spanking"

"Yes" I reply



My Neighbor, Jay (18+)Where stories live. Discover now