Part 19

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*2 weeks later, Friday*

Work has kicked my ass today. Hannah, my boss, was out sick so I took on her position for the day and I've got to admit... It gave me a whole new level of respect for her. Not that I didn't respect her a lot before, but being in her shoes for even just one day, made me understand why she's cranky a lot of the time. Thank god the day is almost over. I can't wait to go home and lay on the couch with Jay.

Tomorrow we're taking Chloe and Delilah out to that bowling alley that we took Mike and Ryan to. We had so much fun that we definitely wanted to go back and bring Chloe and Delilah. The 4 of us have hung out a lot recently and it's great. Jay and them get along so well, it's relieving.

The last hour of work drags on slowly but finally I finish up and can head home. I'm so grateful that it's the weekend.

When I get home, as I expected, Jay is already there. We exchanged keys to each other's apartments last week so he can come over anytime he wants and I can do the same.

What I didn't expect is for my dining table to be set with what looks like a gourmet meal and candles lit and it looks like my apartment has been cleaned up. Jay is sitting at the table waiting as I walk through the door.

"Oh my goodness, Jay. What is all this?" I ask, setting my purse on the floor and taking off my jacket.

"It's food, sweets. I figured you'd be hungry and exhausted since you had to take over for your boss today." he replies

"Jay, you didn't have to do all this. Thank you, I love you." I reply, smiling as I walk towards him and give him a few kisses.

"I love you too, Ev. Now sit down and eat and then I'll get to the next part." he says

"Next part? Jay... There can't be more." I reply, sitting down in the chair across from him

"There is, and don't argue." he says

God dammit... What did I do to deserve this?

"You didn't have to clean up, babe. It's my apartment, I was going to clean tonight." I protest

"I know you were, but I also know you probably had a long day and I wanted you to just be able to relax for the night. I never have to do anything, I choose to, because I love you." he smiles

I'm gonna fucking cry.

"You are the sweetest man in the world... What did I do to deserve you?"

"Whatever it is, I must've done the same thing to deserve you." he smiles again

The way he spoils me and makes me feel so loved, confident, secure and safe, is remarkable. It's such a turn on, honestly. At this point I'd be his personal sex slave 24/7. Everything he does turns me on.

Good lord I need to control myself...

After eating, I'm very full and Jay insists on cleaning up while I lay down on the couch to let the food settle. He was having none of my protesting. He would not let me help.

After a little while, my stomach settles and Jay leads me to the next part... A bath.

He leads me into the bathroom where there's fake candles lit everywhere, to avoid a fire. He knows how paranoid I am about unattended candles. Adorable.

There's also various flower petals all over the sides of the tub and a little on the floor. The tub isn't filled yet because he wanted it to be freshly filled and hot when it was time, so he begins filling the tub and pours in some Epsom salts and bubble bath. I really could cry.

"I already scrubbed the tub clean before hand, obviously. Can't have you soaking in a dirty tub." he smiles, sitting on a stool in the bathroom.

Once the tub is full, he dims the lights and turns on some calm music before he undresses me and I get in. Immediately relaxing.

My Neighbor, Jay (18+)Where stories live. Discover now