Part 20

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*The next day*

We leave in about 15 minutes to go to the bowling alley with Chloe and Delilah. Jay just finished blow drying my hair for me, once again. This is the second time he's asked to do it.

"Hey, how come you keep asking to blow dry my hair? Not that I'm complaining, I'm just curious." I ask

"I like it." he smiles, adorably

"It's fun to do because then it's kind of like I just get to play with your hair for a while and I wanna know how to do it in case I ever need to."

"I can't really think of an instance where I'd need you to blow dry my hair." I chuckle

"What if you break an arm or become paralyzed?"

"Okay... Then yes, maybe... But I think that's a bit dramatic." I laugh

"I just wanna know how to do things for you. Just in case. Besides, even if you're just tired and don't want to do it, then I can do it for you." he grins

Why is he so damn cute...

"Well then what can I learn to do for you?" I ask

"If you're gonna learn all these things to do for me, I need to be able to do the same for you."

"I'm pretty simple... You know how to wash me and I don't really do anything to my hair..." he replies

"Well that's a bit unfair then" I joke

"Trust me, you know very well how to take care of me, love." he says, kissing me on the forehead.

We put on our shoes, I grab my bag, and we head downstairs to meet up with the girls. Jay is driving us so they're meeting us at his car.

"I suck at arcade games." is the first thing Delilah says when we get to the car

"Well then Chloe is gonna have to win all the prizes." Jay chuckles, as we get into the car.

"Don't worry babe, I'll get you the biggest prize there is." Chloe says

Delilah chuckles

"You think she's kidding but she's not. This bitch can win any arcade game she touches." I chime in

"Hey, what can I say, I'm good with my hands." she jokes

Our joking continues for the car ride and when we arrive, we basically plan the same routine as we did with Mike and Ryan. It just makes sense. Although this time, Jay actually is paying for everything... The girls don't protest very much to that.

*1 hour later*

We just finished bowling and I won since Ryan isn't here... Thank goodness. I like being the star bowler. Chloe is an awful bowler, but I already knew that. Delilah actually was pretty good, she scored second and Jay was third.

We migrate to the arcade, where of course Chloe does immaculately. I swear, she cheats somehow... I've never seen someone so good at arcade games. Delilah is definitely as bad as she said, but she's sure happy that Chloe can make up for it.

Then we're onto mini golf, where Jay shines. Delilah is not too bad at this either, definitely better than Chloe and I. Her and Jay get a bit competitive which is amusing to watch. It's like Ryan and I were with bowling.

Now we're sitting down for a light lunch, just like last time.

"So you two finally dropped the love bombs, huh?" Chloe asks

"Yes... Yes we did." I smile

I texted her the next morning so of course she already knew...

"Jay, you better be serious about loving her. I'll kill you if you hurt her." Chloe says sternly

My Neighbor, Jay (18+)Where stories live. Discover now