Part 2

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"Oh hey" I turn around, greeting Jay

"Long time no see" he jokes

I chuckle

"Thanks again for last night, I'm actually about to head to the store finally, so I'll bring you back a roll later unless you'd like something else as gratitude. Pie? Cake? Eggs?" he says

"Really, it's no problem, I don't need anything. I'm actually heading to the store myself" I reply

"Oh, what timing. Which one are you going to?"

"Just the Walmart a few streets over"

"Walmart huh? I took you for more of an 'organic store' kind of person" he jokes

"If I made enough money, maybe but no I actually just prefer to shop at that Walmart because it's convenient and they have literally everything" I tell him

"Good point, guess we think alike" he says

"That's where you're going too?" I ask

He nods and smiles

Lovely... Not that he's like annoying or anything, I'm just not a very social person. I usually avoid people other than Chloe.

We stay silent as we both take the elevator down to the parking lot, thankfully he's parked on the other side, so we part ways once we get out of the building. Thankfully, I decided I'll go get my oil changed before I go to the store because I'm getting some cold stuff, so it doesn't make sense to shop and let the cold stuff sit in my car while I wait for the oil change. Hopefully by the time I get there, he'll be gone.

-1 Hour Later-

The oil change went faster than I expected. Usually there's a huge line of people and the workers move slow so it takes 2+ hours for a simple task that I realistically could do myself if I wasn't lazy, but I guess not many people come in before 1pm.

Once I get to Walmart, I actually notice Jay in the checkout lane just as I'm entering, good timing. I walk away before he can see me and start my shopping. I get my shampoo, paper towels, cleaning spray, toothpaste and a cute blanket that I didn't need before I head over to the food section, where I not-so-surprisingly run into the manager of the store, Chloe.

"Aww did you miss me?" she jokes as she grabs the ice cream out of my cart and sticks it back in the freezer

"Hey!" I protest, trying to grab it from her

"You told me to stop you from buying too much junk. I'm doing my job" she huffs

I sigh and feel my happiness deplete a little as she closes the freezer door

"You already have cookies and brownies in your cart, Ev. That's enough sugar to make a toddler explode"

"I hate that I asked you to do this" I say as she and I walk out of the freezer aisle

"You never were good at self-control when it comes to food" she points out

That's something I'm still working on, which is why I did ask her to do this to me. I have a surprising metabolism, so I've always managed to stay in good shape despite my terrible eating habits, but it won't be that way forever and besides, being a good weight for my height doesn't mean I'm actually healthy.

"So, what time are you off?" I ask her

"6pm, assuming Gavin makes it in on time to take over. If he doesn't, I might ring his neck"

I chuckle at her. She couldn't hurt a fly, but she sure does like to talk like she could.

"If you get off on time, I'll come over" I tell her

My Neighbor, Jay (18+)Where stories live. Discover now