Part 4

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-Tuesday, 3pm-

These last few days have been awful at home. Jay has continued as his noisy self, even had another night of torturing a poor woman. I'm assuming it was the same woman as before although it could've been a different one as I find it hard to believe anyone would put themselves through that more than once. He's good looking and clearly good at pretending to be a gentleman so I bet it's easy for him to persuade girls into his bed.

Work the last 2 days has been good, however. Yesterday was my first day as AM and it was fantastic. Most of it was just training but I already knew how to do nearly all of the work, so I was able to finish that part relatively quickly. Today has been my first official day and it's honestly not much different than what I was doing before, since I was always doing more than what I was required anyways. Hannah expressed her gratitude for me and complimented me on my work as well as the work I did over the last few years, and it felt wonderful to have that recognition.

In the last hour of work, it's quite slow as I sit at my new desk and finish up some tasks. As I get up to head for a bathroom break, I'm approached by Adam, another Data Entry Clerk that I used to work with pretty often.

"Evelyn! I didn't get a chance to say it yesterday but congrats on the promotion!" he greets me

"Thanks Adam" I reply with a warm smile

"How's it going so far?" he asks

"Great, actually. I'm enjoying it" I tell him

We exchange a some more small talk about work for a few moments.

"I uh, don't know if Hannah told you but I'll actually be leaving this week" he informs me

"No, she didn't tell me. How come?" I ask

"I'm just moving to another company to work closer with my brother. It's also closer to my house so that's a plus that pushed me to take the job" he tells me

"Oh, well in that case, congrats!" I reply

"Thanks" he chuckles

"Um... So, on that note, I was kind of wanting to ask you something" he says

Oh boy... Don't tell me it's what I think it is...

"Would you ever consider letting me take you on a date? I totally understand if you say no, but I couldn't leave without asking"

Of course... I suspected that. He always seemed more nervous around me than other employees, so it left me wondering why that was.

"Wow, um... Thank you Adam, I honestly didn't see that coming" I lie... I'm not exactly sure what to say. I knew he possibly had a crush on me, but I never considered he'd ask me out or what I'd even say...

He's not a bad looking guy and he's honestly super nice and hard working as well as respectful... He's kind of what most women would want in a man as far as I know of him. Oh, fuck it, why not...

"I'd like that, Adam; did you have anything specific in mind?"

He ponders for a moment

"Well, I wanted to surprise you, but I'd actually rather make sure you'd like it first... How about dinner at Talon's? Say... Saturday night at 5pm?"

"Talon's? Adam that place is expensive" I reply

He chuckles

"I know, Evelyn but they have fantastic food and don't worry... I can afford it" he assures me

"If you say so... Saturday at 5pm it is" I reply

"Wonderful, I'll pick you up?"

I nod and smile in agreement and we part ways as I make my way to the bathroom.

My Neighbor, Jay (18+)Where stories live. Discover now