Part 24

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Adam has a disgusting grin on his face as if he's pleased with himself. I rip his hand off my ass and step back from him.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" I shout

"Oh calm down, Ev. I'm just having a little fun." he giggles, reaching his arm out to grab me again. I quickly smack it down.

"Fun? You're a pig." I spit.

"You're the one who blocked me... Shouldn't I have the attitude?" he says

"Absolutely not. You're the one who called me early in the morning to come drink with you, after our first date... Then called me the wrong fucking name, and were just all around disrespectful." I retort.

"I was drunk, give me a break... I could really rock your world if you let me." he replies, stepping closer to me.

"I'm good. Thanks for the vomit-inducing offer though." I reply, attempting to walk away.

"Bitch, don't act like you're better than me." he shouts, grabbing my wrist and pulling me back toward him.

Just as I rip my arm out of his grip, I see a very angry Jay approaching.

"What the fuck is going on?" Jay shouts, stepping in front of me and facing Adam.

"I'm trying to get laid, bro. Leave me alone." Adam says, attempting to step around Jay and get back to me.

"You're barking up the wrong tree, buddy. I suggest you leave. Now." Jay spits.

"And who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?" Adam laughs

"Her boyfriend. And a decent human being who doesn't treat women like objects. Leave. Now." Jay demands. I can tell by his tone that he's angry... I've never seen him angry...

"Chill out, asshole. Let me entertain this lady and you can go stick your meat in something new, yeah? Fun for both of us." Adam replies. Now I'm fucking angry.

"Alright, that's fucking enough." I shout, stepping in front of Jay. I expect him to stop me but he doesn't.

"You both really need to cool off... It's not that serious. I'm just lookin for some fun..." Adam says, smiling.

"You seem to need someone to show you what fun is..." he says, his eyes gawking over my body.

I've had enough.

Without a second thought, my fist connects with his face and within a blink of an eye, he's on the ground with a bloody nose.

I hear some people gasping, some laughing, some whispering, some still oblivious. Adam grabs onto his nose as he stands up slowly.

"You're gonna fucking regret that." he spits, balling his fist. Jay steps back in front of me.

"Touch her again, and I swear to God, you'll wish I killed you." Jay growls, standing just inches from Adam's face.

Before either of us have a chance to do anything else, security is dragging us out. When we get outside the building, I immediately text Chloe to let her know we got kicked out.

"Are you alright?" Jay asks, grabbing my hand and examining it.

"I'm fine... I'd be better if I got another hit, though." I reply, still trying to contain my annoyance and anger.

"I shouldn't have left you alone when I went to the bathroom. I should've brought yoh directly to Chloe and Delilah." he sighs

"Babe, that wouldn't have changed anything. Besides, I'm a big girl. I can handle myself." I reply

My Neighbor, Jay (18+)Where stories live. Discover now