Part 7

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"You were right..." I say as Chloe walks in the door

"Well, I know.... But about which part?" she asks

"Adam... He was putting on a front" I say, opening the messages on my phone and handing it to her

I watch as she reads the texts and listens to the voice message. Disgust and fury engulf her face.

"Ev... I need you to remind me that I couldn't handle jail so that I don't track this pricks location and go drown him in the cheap beer he's drinking"

"You couldn't handle jail, Chlo. You'd become someone's 'bitch' so fast and you'd miss Delilah too much" I tell her, unable to help but smile

Even she knows she couldn't physically harm someone but when people mess with me, I swear she'd get herself killed while trying to. I love her.

She sighs and sits on the couch, handing me my phone back, muttering profanities to herself about Adam.

"Alright, enough negativity, how was Delilahs?" I ask

"It was great, as always. I actually meant to talk to you... She wants to meet you"

"Well finally" I reply

"I mean, we've already technically met but you know... Meeting her properly was overdue" I say

Delilah was coming to the Walmart that Chloe manages, every single day for over a month, just to see her and somehow Chloe didn't get the hint... I of course bumped into her a few times while shopping and engaged in brief conversation as they chatted together.

Chloe chuckles

"I agree, I just wanted to leave it up to her because I know she's shy and let's be real... You're a lot" she teases

I pretend to be shocked... I know I'm a lot. Especially when it comes to Chloe... I don't mess around and let people hurt her so I tend to lead with that and intimidate people... I'm working on that.

"You know my days off so set it up and let me know" I tell her

"Of course" she smiles

We spend a few hours watching movies and I really needed it. It helped me give my brain a break for a little while. I only decided to head back upstairs because I need to shower and clean up my apartment. Chloe has to head for a later shift at work soon anyways.

Thankfully I'm able to avoid running into Jay when I get upstairs, and manage to get all my cleaning done before I'm annoyed by noise in his place. I sigh in frustration when it starts.

It's not the end of the world, I know... But being so attracted to him when he's got attitude like he does and being my neighbor... And then the bullshit with Adam... It's driving me a little crazy. I'm used to calm, quiet living. I've always considered myself lucky in life because since moving into these apartments, I've developed an amazing lifestyle. I love my job, I live directly above my best friend, I don't have any people in my life who cause drama, etc. So this is the most 'drama' I've had in years... It's a lot for my brain.

Hopefully I'm done with Adam and it ended fairly quickly with no actual problems but Jay.... That's another story. I want to fuck his brains out but I also want to punch him.

I try to calm myself while listening to the various noises coming from Jay's apartment. After a few minutes, I manage to focus enough to head for my shower and cab actually barely hear anything in there. It's only when I get out and get dressed that the noises are louder and I get more frustrated than I've been in a long time.

He's in my head, crowding my thoughts, he makes me aroused, and he annoys the fuck out of me and while I'm trying to get him out of my head, all I can hear is him.

My Neighbor, Jay (18+)Where stories live. Discover now