Part 15

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Jay shoots me a glare as he once again starts to protest but is stopped when he has to un-mute his mic to reply to the person on the phone. I smile as I bring his erect shaft into my hand, squeezing lightly and stroking as I listen to his breath tremble.

After he's nearly throbbing, I place his head into my mouth and suck softly, watching his eyes close as he attempts to maintain composure

Once he's opened his eyes again and looks down at me, I take his entire length into my mouth in one motion, causing him to stutter in his words

I hold there for a moment while he catches his breath and then I begin to bob my head up and down as I suck every inch of him, thoroughly

His occasional glares tell me I'm in deep trouble... But the satisfaction of seeing him struggle to stay professional while I know he wants to go crazy, makes it all worth it.

He mutes his mic again for a second, probably to say something to me but I use it as an opportunity to let out a few moans with his cock buried in my throat and it makes him grip his chair with pleasure. The moan he lets out sends a heartbeat to my core... Now I'm throbbing too.

He begins to speak on the phone again and for the next few minutes, I switch between nearly swallowing him whole, to slowing down when I notice he may lose it.

Just as I'm about to speed up and make him cum, I'm startled by him exchanging goodbyes with the person on the phone.

Oh shit... I was hoping to make him finish before he was off the phone... Now I'm in trouble...

He hangs up, shuts off his computer and slides back his chair, away from me. He gives me a smirk and a look that I can only take as "Ev, you're screwed".

I gulp

"Such a naughty fucking girl..." he says, standing up

He steps in front of me and lowers his hand down for me to grab, gently standing me up. I think he's going to be calm but that's quickly proven wrong when he grabs me and tosses me over his shoulder, walking towards his room


"Uh-uh... Quiet, Princess... You're going to do what I say, now" he says

He shuts his bedroom door and tosses me onto his bed, crawling over me and beginning to trail his hands down my body

"Someone's been a bad girl..." he growls

I gulp again as goosebumps cover my body

He brings his hands back up to my shirt and rips it open with ease and it makes me whimper

He slips it off me before quickly removing my bra and not hesitating to bring a nipple into his mouth, making me moan.

With his mouth still on my breast, his hands graze down to my leggings, and he rips them open at the crotch, bringing his hand to my soaked core, immediately. I gasp at the sudden touch and surge of pleasure, just from his contact.

"Sucking me off made you so wet that you soaked through your underwear? You're so needy..." he growls

Good lord...

He sits back up and rips the hole in my leggings even wider, my whole ass and thighs are pretty much uncovered.

He reaches under his mattress and pulls out handcuffs

Oh fuck...

Before I have a chance to react, he cuffs me to the headboard of the bed and pushes my legs back towards my head

"You had your fun... Now you're going to be a good little girl while I finish it" he whispers demandingly

He tugs my underwear to the side and slips his length into me with ease due to how soaked I am...

My Neighbor, Jay (18+)Where stories live. Discover now