Part 17

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*1 week later, Saturday*

Jay and I cleaned up his place as we wait for Mike and Ryan to get here, which should be sometime in the next 10 minutes.

"I'm nervous." I blurt

"About what, Sweets?" Jay asks

"I don't know. I can't get over the thought of them not liking me..."

Jay steps in front of me and grabs my hands in his

"Ev, I promise they will love you. Don't stress about impressing them and just be yourself. They're not my parents or anything, they're just 2 grown men who still act mostly like teenagers and make dumb jokes about everything." he assures me

"I know, I know. I'd just hate it if we didn't get along. I wouldn't want it to turn into some shit scenario where you have to choose between me and them, and I'd never let you choose me." I sigh

"Alright now you're just thinking way too hard. That would never happen. Even if that did happen, I wouldn't be choosing anybody. They'll always be in my life but so will you, as long as you choose to. At the end of the day, they're happy if I am, so they would never ask me to dump someone just because they didn't get along. Now breathe, woman."

I chuckle as I take a deep breath and sit on the couch as we wait. We talk for a few more minutes before there's a knock on the door and Jay gets up to answer and I follow him.

"Well we must be at the wrong place because I don't remember Jay being so short." Mike jokes

I can tell it's Mike because Jay told me he was bigger than him and Ryan, and he definitely is.

"Oh shut your trap, Bigfoot." Jay replies, laughing

Ryan joins in on the laughter as they exchange hugs and come inside, and Jay introduces us.

"Mike, Ryan, this is Evelyn." he says, gesturing towards me

"So, this is the girlfriend, huh?" Ryan says as he steps closer to me

"I gotta say, I never expected to see this man in a serious relationship. What did you do to him?" Ryan jokes

"I really don't know." I laugh

"Well, it's great to meet you, Evelyn. You must be a terrific person if Jay locked you down." Mike says

"It's nice to meet you guys too and I sure hope I am. I'm still wondering what I did to deserve such a wonderful man. I'm wondering when the negative stuff will happen." I joke

"You won't get negative with this guy, he's all positive, maturity, communication, shit." Mike chuckles

The guys poke more fun at each other as we sit and talk about plans for the day.

"Well, I'm not going anywhere right now. Mike's bitch ass made me drive the whole way so I'm keeping my ass glued to this couch for a while." Ryan says

"It's 45 minutes, Ry. You act like it was hours on end without a break. Besides, I said I'd drive back tomorrow so quit your bitchin." Mike replies, playfully

"Alright, shut up you two, we're not goin anywhere. Let's order some food and just hang out for a while. I missed you idiots." Jay says

"We missed you too, man. Thanks for letting us stay here for the night, although you know we're fine with a hotel." Ryan says

"I know but they're too damn expensive. If you guys really wanted your own beds, you're welcome to go get a room but I won't be here tonight so it's no problem that y'all are here." Jay replies

My Neighbor, Jay (18+)Where stories live. Discover now