Part 23

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I'm on my way home from work, which was very slow today, not necessarily bad, just slow. I'm excited to get home, even more so than normal. Jay, Chloe, Delilah and I are going to a club. I know... Not any of our usual things. Well, Delilah actually does enjoy clubs a bit and I guess she convinced Chloe to come to a new one that opened up about 20 minutes away from us and Chloe actually enjoyed it. Even if you're not drinking, she said they play amazing music, the lights aren't crazy and it was just a fun place to dance and be careless. She talked us into coming at least once and oddly enough, Jay and I are both looking forward to it. It's something out of our element.

I took the day off tomorrow because Jay and I wanted an extra day to look at apartments/houses to rent and it happens that Chloe and Delilah had been planning to go tonight anyways so we said we'd tag along.

When I get home, Jay is cleaning up the apartment and preparing dinner for us. He's pretty much moved into this apartment for the time being. He was already here most of the time anyways, we decided he would just move all his important stuff over and stay here. The only things left in his apartment are his work stuff and some things he wants to get rid of. There wasn't much room for his work stuff here and he doesn't use it often anyways, so he doesn't mind just going back there to use it when needed.

"I didn't expect to have a housewife this soon." I joke when I get inside and set my things down.

"When the sex is as good as it is with you, I'll be whatever you want, darlin'." he jokes back

"Shoot, that means I've gotta put out to have shared household responsibilities?" I tease

"Absolutely." he says sarcastically.

We giggle and I walk over to give him a kiss and sit at the kitchen island while he finishes cooking.

"Something about watching you clean and cook makes me want to some... Concerning things..." I tell him. His head turns back to look at me with surprise.

"Should I ask what kind of concerning things?" he asks

"You'll find out another time." I reply teasingly

He shoots me a playful glare and continues cooking. I get up to grab dishes and set the table just as he finishes up and plates the food.

"So what time are we leaving, again?" he asks, sitting down at the table.

"At about 8pm, so we've got some time. Which is good because I have absolutely no clue what to wear." I reply

"I'm sure it won't be that hard" he replies

"Says you. I don't really have any clothes that are appropriate for a club, since I never go to them. Not that I necessarily want to wear proper club clothing... I think most of it is a bit more revealing than I comfortable with."

He chuckles at me.

"Don't overthink it babe. You have plenty of things that I would consider appropriate for a club. Besides, there isn't a dress code or anything. You don't have to fit into the stereotype, just wear whatever you feel like." he says

"So sweats and a big t-shirt?" I joke

"If that's what you feel like." he smiles

"I was kidding. I'm not going to a club in that." I laugh

"And why the hell not? Who says you can't?"

"Uh, nobody but I think I should try a little harder since it's such a rare occurrence."

"Fair enough..." he says

"What are you wearing?" I ask

"Not totally sure yet. I think just a button down and some jeans." he replies

My Neighbor, Jay (18+)Where stories live. Discover now