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I put my new black leather jacket on as I looked down below from my apartment window, watching hyunjin as he walked quickly to his car, wiping his eyes harshly as he stomped away from my building. I hope he can get over this....I feel like I'll probably miss him soon enough..

A buzzing noise rings out from my left as I turn away from the window, I reach over to my bed and pick up the ringing phone, answering it and putting it to my ear.
"Hey, I just got dressed I'm leaving right now."

"Oh ok, good, usually you're the first one here, sleep in late?" Felix asked.

"No, I wish, but no it was hyunjin actually, he stayed over last night and once again stayed around way longer than I've asked."

"Oh no, still won't get over the relationship idea huh?"


"Poor guy, seems really nice I hope he can get over you." Felix said, sounding genuinely remorseful as always.

I nodded as I put on my last shoe
"Yeah me too."


I parked my car in one of the many spots available, luckily by some shade, before getting out and walking towards the cat cafe, Felix and leeknow always meet me at.

The scent of flowers and artificially flavored cat treats fill the air as I step in, the cafe is pretty big two roomy squares making up the room for the customers and cats alike. The falls are a mix of brown oak for the coffee tables and surrounding room and rainbow like colors for the play areas with the cats. I look over and as I see Felix and leeknow didn't care to wait for me, once again already rolling on the floor with the usual critters, a large grey tabby, a skinny orange cat and a couple more white cats that I couldn't tell apart. I walk over to them, shaking my head as if disappointed but not surprised with the less than masculine scene in front of me.

"Having fun, Hyungs?"

"Oh hey innie." Felix greeted cheerfully. "Look at this one, she just got brought into the cafe yesterday, isn't she cool." He said referring to a skinny white Siamese cat, sat on his lap. She was perfectly calm, her eyes still and relaxed, not to mention both a different color, one blue and one brown.

"Yeah, she is pretty." I agreed as I sat down in front of him. I reached over to the Siamese, scratching behind her ears, earning a "aww" from Felix as she nuzzled into my touch. I noticed in the corner of my eye, leeknow scooting closer to us, I turned to look at him and started laughing instantly as I see the ridiculously overweight Tabby in his arms.

"So that Hwang guy still can't take a hint, huh" leeknow said conversationally, as if the animal in his arms didn't have its own gravitational pull.

"Pff, who cares about that." I laughed. "Do you see the freaking behemoth in your lap??" I said humorously as I reached out and poked its belly, leeknow scoffed dramatically as he scooted him in the cat back.

"Hey! We don't fat shame around here, watch yourself ." He said before looking back down to the cat, cooeing at him as if to console him. Me and Felix both laughed, Felix even being brave enough to reach up and ruffle his hands through Leeknows black hair. Leeknow turned for a moment to scowl before turning back to his feline friend.

"So did you guys order yet?" I asked.

They both shook their heads.
"I don't want anything." Minho said.

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