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I pulled up to the house in the new car, my back feeling less knotted do to the massage treatment but my head still ached, my thoughts tangled up in the fact hyunjin would call or even worse, show up any moment.

I got out and locked the car before heading up the elevator and making it to the third floor. I unlocked my door and walked in, hoping I'd have at least time to take a long hot shower before hyunjin showed up, I've thought about him all day and yet I know none of the ideas I have are going to go over smoothly, I'm going to hurt him again and it's driving me crazy. At least this will be the last time...

I passed my bed and walked through my living room to the bathroom, I took of my clothes, throwing them in the laundry basket before picking out a towel for when I get out. I hopped inside and turned on the faucet, warm water of course.

Maybe I should just tell hyunjin the truth, "I'm in love with your body but I'm actually interested in someone else" ok no, scratch that. That's not even really the truth.......I don't know like his body....I like his voice too, and the way he talks to me..

But he just doesn't know me like he thinks he does, he makes me out to be some confused romantic but I'm not, he is. Im only confused on why I've let this go on so long, I mean hyunjin has had feelings for me since college....I knew even back then..

I don't know.....I just can't let this go any further, the quicker I end it the faster he can heal...

I am going to miss him though.....more than a little..


I stayed in the shower, washing up for a little over twenty minutes or so before getting out, I sighed as I stepped out, still clueless on my plan. I ran the towel over my hair before I wrapped it around my waist then I stepped out of the bathroom and out into the small hallway.

Knock* knock*


"I'm coming!" I shouted as I speed walked past the living room and bed to the door, I stopped for a moment to take a deep breath. Ok, just remember what Felix said, don't be a dummy.

I opened the door, it was hyunjin as expected. This time with another bouquet of flowers, not roses but daffodils this time.

"Hi innie." He greeted happily. Oh God, I hate myself..

"Uh hi jinnie, c'mon in." I said before heading back inside the apartment, keeping the door wide open for him as he followed behind me.

"Have a nice shower?" He joked, pointing out my lack of clothes as he walked towards the kitchen, placing the flowers with the ones from yesterday.

"Oh yeah, just a quick one." I said, my shaky tone feeling obvious.

"Hm, you should have waited for me, pretty boy." He smiled as he gently placed each daffodil in the vase on the counter.

"Ha...yeah I guess.." i mumbled as I moved into the living room, sitting on one of my lounge chairs. Hyunjin looked back at me,a worried expression painted on his soft features.

"Are you ok, babydoll?" He asked as he crossed the room, stopping in front of me.
"You look tired, didn't you get enough rest?" He asked as he lifted my chin, probably to inspect the bags under my eyes.

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