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Seungmin and I spent an hour or so in the park before leaving, he said that he had the rest of the day free if I wanted to stay out a bit longer, of course I agreed

We sat in the BMW, seungmin once again in the driver's seat and me in shotgun as we sat thinking of what to do.

"You want to go back to my apartment?" I asked.

"Sure, you don't mind?"

"Of course not, why wouldn't I, silly?"

"Well I don't know, some people aren't comfortable with that, just thought I'd ask." He said, shrugging.

I laughed. "I don't know if you remember, but we met when you saved my drunk ass from a creep at the club, so I trust you." I assured him.

"Ohh.....I suppose that's true.." he admitted, chuckling, a little embarrassed.


We made it back to the apartment, parking the car and heading up the stairs.

I unlocked the door, seungmin standing behind me. I opened the door, stepping in and holding the door open for him.

"Do you want something to drink?" I asked.

"Oh, sure, a water please." He said as he looked around the apartment.
"Wow, this place is so open." He commented.

"You like it? I decided to pick a more modern style place." I said, talking with my hands as I crossed the room to the kitchen. Seungmin nodded.

"'s really nice."

I walked over to the fridge and took out a cold water bottle, then I turned around and headed back to seungmin. "Here you go, handsome." I handed it to him.


"You can go lay in the bed." I offered, pointing in that direction. "Let me get in something more comfortable and I'll be out, ok?"

"Uh- the bed? Wait, more comfortable, like what?"

"Pajamas." I said.

"But it's the middle of the afternoon?" He looked up at me, confused.

"I know, that was a joke, unless you're into that." I teased but Seungmin just tilted his head, confused.

"jeongin?" He asked, reaching out and grabbing my hand. Hm?

"Yeah?" I asked. He sighed as he gently squeezed my hand.

"We're not having sex." He said plainly.

I froze, is he serious? It's our second date, isn't that enough...

"I- well, why not." I whined, stepping closer to him.


"Why, c'mon seungmin." I whined, putting my hands on his chest. I mean c'mon, why can't he just indulge me, we like each other... don't we...?

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