special chapter💘

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The smell of pancakes and chocolate chips filled the kitchen air, along with the sound of small feet running across the tile.

"Lina!" I whisper yelled to the small dark haired girl, as she ran back and forth with her two Barbies. "You're going to wake up your uncle!" I warned before pouring the last of the batter onto the skillet.

She finally paused, standing beside me on her tippy toes. "But Uncle Minnie should wake up anyway.." she huffed. "Doesn't he want pancakes?"

"Yes of course, but he's very tired, his work place was very busy yesterday." I explained to her, sprinkling on the chocolate chips on the pancakes.

"Oh, oh, uh make sure to put extra chocolate on mine please." She asked, giving me puppy eyes. I smiled sighing.

"I don't know, you know your daddy doesn't like you to have a bunch of sugar in the morning." I said, raising my brow at her.

"Uh, no my daddy doesn't mind, he let me eat brownies for breakfast." She argued, playing with her fingers.

"Not that daddy, Lina. You know who I mean." I said, giving her another look.

She huffed, annoyed again. "But he's not here.." she mumbled.

I laughed shaking my head at her behavior before flipping the cakes. "That might be true but you should always do what Minho says, even if he's not around. You know your daddy pretty well, you know what he does and doesn't approve of." I said, looking down at her for confirmation.

"I guess.." she mumbled. "But why, he's no fun." She argued.

"Oh don't say that." I said. "Your dad always has your best interest in mind. And don't say he's no fun, who always plays dress up with you, huh? Who always takes you to dance practice with him, hm?" I asked.

Lina looked down for a moment before hesitantly looking up and answering. "Minho.." she admitted.

"That's what I thought." I smiled, scraping up the pancakes and placing them on the three plates I had taken out.

"Now take your plate and quietly make your way to the living room, ok?" I said, handing her, her plate.

"Ok!" She whisper yelled back, quickly but quietly scurrying into the living room and hopping onto the sofa. I grabbed my own plate and followed behind her, placing my plate on the coffee table before looking back to seungmin, still asleep in bed, his bangs a complete mess and his face still glazed over in a layer of sweat.

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