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(jeongin POV*)


I dug around in my closet as I looked for something to wear for the cold weather. I usually wouldn't be going out when it's practically snowing outside but leeknow texted me earlier this morning, I didn't look at it for a couple hours but......i miss Felix and don't want anything to be awkward between us anymore. And I suppose I miss Minho too, before he decided to act like an ass anyway...

He said he wanted to see me in person, I hope it's not just to scold and insult me some more......but whatever...

I slipped on my shoes and headed out of my room and to the front door.

Let's hope this doesn't go horribly..


I raised my hand above my eyes to block the sun, as I hopped out of my car. Arriving at Minho's. I texted him that I had arrived while I was in the car so I knew I could just walk in without knocking as I usually did.

"Minho?"I asked aloud as I stepped onto the spotless hardwood floor, the entirety of his large living room, dimly lit by a mix of natural and artificial light. The chandelier above flickering slightly as it swayed.

"Hey jeongin..." He said quietly, walking around the corner of his kitchen to meet me. "I just got a new box come in?" He said, holding up a glass of wine. "Want a drink?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No I'm alright."

Minho sighed quietly, stepping into the middle of his living room. I followed him, sitting next to him on his tan colored sofa.

"Listen innie, I'm really sorry for everything I said." He apologized, putting down his glass on the small book table behind him. "I know everything I said was extremely overboard and uncalled for.......I just feel so invested in your life..... even when it's not necessary any of my business."

I nodded. Not sure of how to respond. I know leeknow cares about me...I know he doesn't understand how to go about it all the time...

But why did he have to act like he thought so little of me...

"I know....but why? I was just happy I had someone to be with..... why'd you have to go off on front of so many people?" I asked, looking down at my lap as I fidgeted with my fingers.

"I don't know innie.....I just, I didn't like what you were doing with your life before, I was worried about you already and then you started getting so attached to seungmin, I guess I was just worried he'd hurt you..... even though it's pretty clear I'm the only one who was hurting you.." he admitted glumly.

"Seungmin is a good person...I promise." I said, raising my head to look at him again.

He nodded. "I know..or at least I think so too, I might have seen him yesterday..." He added quietly.

"Hm, What?" I asked, suddly confused. My eyes going wide as minho pulled up his tight black sweater sleeve, revealing a nasty scar with small stitching, going all the way down his arm.

"Oh my God, min." I said shocked, placing my hand on his shoulder as I looked over the injury, completely speechless.

"Seungmin stitched it up....or at least the first couple of stitches, but yeah...I talked to him." He said, pulling his sleeve back down.

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